2. Potential

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"A good gulp of whiskey at bedtime, it's not very scientific, but it helps" you mumbled like an excuse for yourself and took another sip of the bottle and laid down on the mattress. It was so soft that it almost was uncomfortable. You stared out into the room. It was a simple studio apartment; it had the potential to be something beautiful, but you had left it empty. It was thanks to Pepper you got this place and perhaps that was the reason you felt so guilty about it. Every time she came over, she would give you flowers or a homemade gift from Morgan, trying to fill up this empty apartment with some form of identity.

You got snapped out of your own thoughts when you heard the phone ring. You crawled around, tightening the grip of the whiskey bottle to make sure nothing would drip and go to waste. You reached for your back pocket and saw the name on the screen. You cursed low to yourself before putting on a smile. "Hello Sam, what can be that important that you call me at this hour?" you asked and took a sip of the bottle. "Hello to you too Y/n, a little bit too much to drink again?" Sam fired back. A little smile curled up on your lips as you straightened yourself up leaning towards the wall. "You know, it's not even that late," he added.

"Can you really judge me? I don't like to be by myself" you said with a dry laugh at the end.

"No, I get it." He said with a serious tone before he continued "I have some good news if you don't want to be by yourself."

"Oh, please tell" you said eagerly looking over at the clock. Jesus. Sam was right, it was only 7 PM and here you had already finished a bottle.

"I have a mission tomorrow and I could really need some help. I'm afraid I've gone over my head with this one."

You smiled weakly knowing that Sam was lying to make you feel good. He was more than capable for whatever the world would throw at him. You bit your lip. Who were you playing? You had nothing else to do and work was the only thing that really got you fired up.

"Of course, I'll help you out. Send over the details and I'll be on my way" you answered in all seriousness as you stood up walking towards the kitchen. It was strange how you could almost hear a little smile through the phone. "Thank you, Y/n, appreciate it. I'll get Torres to send you the files right away" he said as we ended the call.

"Thank god, I'm used to the alcohol" you mumbled to yourself almost thankful that you normally drank so much that the one bottle you got down now, was really nothing in comparison. You filled up a glass of water before walking over to the couch taking out the that Tony had given you many years ago. "Okay Torres, what are we up against now?" you said and you opened the files he had sent you.

It was a group called 'Flag Smashers' who had started to make a little bit of a mess. They were based in east and central Europe. Their motto was simple "One world, one people" and just from some quick reading you couldn't help yourself to feel for them, but you were always afraid to admit stuff like that even if it was only for yourself. With your past and your family history, you were frightened that any signs of sympathy with the so-called 'enemy' would make people question your integrity. Clearly you were already doing so to yourself on a daily basis.

You opened a video of Torres who got his ass handed to him by one of the Flag Smashers. They were definitely stronger than an average person without a doubt. You had read about the history of the super soldier serum, but as Tony taught you, it was better to be 100% sure and go through it an extra time.

You couldn't help but laugh a little. Tony would always give you these big lessons about work and life, but you couldn't really imagine him following any of those rules himself. Maybe that was why he always gave them to you? If he already had made the mistake or didn't really bother, why not teach somebody else?

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