103. Dive deep

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Every step towards the microphone felt like a mile. It was heavy and the pressure was for real. This was your time to take the mic and show them what you were doing. You stood by Ross's side as the first journalist got the microphone, standing there eagerly. You smiled and gave him a nod to give him his question.

"Hello, I'm James Natisha, Miss Y/n Lehnsherr I think it's safe to say for all of us journalists that wherever we stand that it is a true honor to finally have the opportunity to ask the questions directly to the source itself, with that I want to ask, is this a deliberate choice you are making? To be public after living your life in the shadows of powerful men?"

You weren't shocked at all that the first question was sent to you. If you were being honest, you were prepared that most of these questions were going to you. You stepped up to the microphone and laid your hands on the little desk. You took your time thinking a little bit before you opened your mouth.

"Hello James, it's nice to step out of these so-called shadows and meet all of you," You said with a little laugh and wave, the journalists laughing at your little joke. You looked over at James and nodded your head.

"Truth is, I've been on the run my whole life from others, but mostly myself. I had to go through that whole journey to be who I am today, so yes it is a deliberate choice I've made to not hide. I think the world is ready to see more diverse so-called heroes." You said with a soft smile. The guy nodded impatiently before he came with follow-up questions.

"But could you call a team of villains here? and more importantly, could you call yourself a hero?" He asked eagerly. It was a good question, but one you couldn't answer as black and white as the question got presented. You smiled weakly as a memory came to mind. You straightened up and looked down at the man.

"If I am being honest, I don't believe in heroes or villains. Heroes and villains are no different from the man on the street. We have flaws and with our enhancements, those flaws can get extreme consequences for the people around us. One dear friend of mine once said that 'the danger with powered people or superheroes, is that we put them on pedestals. They become symbols, icons and then we forget about their flaws. From there, cities fly, innocent people die, movements are formed, wars are fought'" You said with a serious tone as you continued.

"It is my responsibility to surround myself with people who keep me grounded, and it is people like you James, journalists, politicians, lawyers, and the woman on the street job to never stop reminding me of my responsibilities. Nobody is born evil, we simply just have to work together and keep each other accountable," you finished as you took a step back and let Ross answer a few questions.

Those words you had shared were from Zemo. When he first said this, it came in a whole different context than what you had put it into. The Zemo who spoke like this had yet to learn about who you truly were and how complex powered beings could be. Not only powered, Tony Stark a big villain in Zemo's eyes, but he used his brain. Zemo was the perfect example that we only fear what we don't know, but when those holes are filled, the world is full of opportunities

You and Ross answered every other question, with you people were most curious about your past and you couldn't really blame them. You didn't make a big deal out of it, and easily answered the questions the best way you could. It was a few questions about how you and Ross met and started to work together, and that was the only time the two of you lied. Of course, you couldn't say that you broke his entrance, and he couldn't admit that he had tried to shoot you, so the two of you acted like it was a mutual meeting. Everything was fine until a younger woman stood up, totally catching you off guard.

"It's been circling a lot of rumors about your dating history y/n, what I am most curious about right now is if you are single right now? What is your orientation? and can you confirm any juicy partners you have been with? Only five days ago we saw you in a heated kiss with Baron Helmut Zemo, is it safe to say the two of you are locked?"


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