69. Tracker

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"We first gonna need to release her arms, then find the spot where the pin is, cut her skin open and sew it back together." Charles continued. He wasn't even sure if the plan was gonna work, and if you were strong enough to take it. They had clearly taken a lot of blood from you already and if the tracker pin laid on your wrist or something, the risk of you losing too much blood was high.

Zemo didn't let his eyes go from you. He only tried to think of what you would wish for him to do, but everything seemed so blurry. It was no right or wrong in this situation. He closed his eyes for a minute and made his choice. He was not ready to let you go, not yet. He went for the medical bag and found a knife.

"Somebody hold her hands in place when I cut the fabric off," He ordered. Matt offered his help and held your hands in the same exact position as Zemo carefully started to cut off the fabric that had been used to tie you up. You haven't been able to move your arms for over a week, meaning your blood hasn't been able to circulate as it normally does, leaving them extremely numb and vulnerable.

This time Zemo wasn't shaking or being nervous while helping you. It wasn't like on the couch at your aunt Irka's place after you had been shot. This time he felt confident, even if it was a much bigger health risk this time. The difference now, is that it was no room for failure. It wasn't a chance that he was willing to make a mistake, cause if he happened to make one now, it was over and he knew that wasn't a possibility. He removed the fabric and carefully took it off her, that's when he was able to see your arms.

Your pale, almost blue arms from no blood circulation. Charles looked away and threw his fist into the wall of the plane in frustration. Nothing could ever be easy for you, could it? The world always had to hit you with their biggest curve balls. Charles could see that even Zemo got a bit taken back by it. Zemo carefully took each hand and moved them to each side, laying them on the mattress. He then started to cut off the t-shirt you had over the sweater and got rid of that piece as well. Zemo looked over to Charles and gave him a little nod that the two of them could help each other, helping you.

They leaned down to your level and took each hand in their own and carefully started to search for the pin, touching you gently from the top of your arm and gradually going down. Zemo took a deep breath in relief when he finally felt the tracker pin on the upper part of your hand. Charles didn't let go of your hand, as he felt a strong need to be there with you. Zemo took notice of it, but didn't bother to ask. He looked up at Hank.

"When I get the tracker out, you immediately lift and fly. I'll do the next steps in the air, okay?" Zemo asked. Hank had it's doubts, but kept shut and gave Zemo a nod. "And you, get ready a cold clout to block the blood.. and Murdock you prepare the needle," Zemo continued and looked at Storm and Matt. They were more on board, than the other two, but he didn't judge them for it. Zemo wasn't stupid, he could see it in Charles eyes that it was more than a friendship between the two of you. He was probably just afraid of losing you.

Zemo did what he had to, cutting your skin enough to get the tracker out of your arm, without losing too much blood and immediately covered the area with the cold clout Storm had given him. His fingers were softly brushing over your skin. The plane finally lifted, meaning it wasn't long until you were home.

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