70. Funny

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Your body was aching when you finally came to your senses. You were afraid to open your eyes. The last thing you remembered was talking to Matt after that you lost more or less grip on your memories. You only remembered feeling angry and hopeless, but at what you had no clue about. Now you felt even stranger, cause your body was in pain, but mentally you felt... funny? You slowly opened your eyes, seeing yet again a white wall, but this time it looked different. Your pulse started to race in fear, so much that the medical machines put on an alarm.

"She is awake" Storm said softly and immediately walked over to you.

Never had you been more glad to see a familiar face, but you couldn't help yourself but to feel lost. It was too many loose pieces flying around. With warmth and care she took your hand, intertwined your fingers and sat down on a chair beside you. Storm was beautiful as always, with her long white hair and warm smile. People would say she was cold or too tough and to be fair, she acted like that most of the time, but in reality she was just as warm as a teddy bear.

"You know, you're so pretty Storm. When I was little I always wanted to have hair like yours" you said and lifted your hand up trying to reach her hand, when you noticed your hand was attached to more medical machines. Your eyes grew bigger as you stared at them, then over at Storm.

"I think something is wrong with me Storm, I think I'm turning into a robot" You said in shock. You tried to take it off you, when another man you knew way too good came running over and held your hand still.

"Chaaaarles, Charles, is that you? Not Charles diiiiiickens, but you got a dick too!" You sang out loudly.

Storm immediately started to laugh at you, and you couldn't help yourself but to feel a bit hurt by her reaction. Right here and now you were pouring your heart out, and her response was to laugh? You are the first one to admit your no super star, but your singing voice wasn't that bad. It was decent, at least it was better than Charles. Charles just laughed and started to blush. Man, were you really that bad? You looked up at them like a hurt baby dog.

"Why are you guys laughing? I don't like it when you laugh at me, you know what that does to my ego, it makes me feel like i'm dumb, but I know I ain't! I am actually smarter than the two of you, YES, even you Prince Charles. So really, you shouldn't laugh. I'm just sayiiiiin" you rambled on.

Charles closed his eyes and covered his face in embarrassment. He was used to knowing a little bit too much about everyone around him which often could tend to be embarrassing stuff, but hearing you talk like this, loud in front of Storm made even him blush. What he knew about others was only inside of his mind, so it gave him control. He took away his hands from his face and took his hands on the waist, looking down to you.

"At least we know the 'funny' drugs Hank gave her is working" he said with a laugh.

"OH MY GOD, am I on drugs?" You said giggling, while Storm nodded confirming what you asked.

You closed your eyes and started to laugh. Your whole body felt funny and you had no clue about what to do, but right now you only wanted to get up and run in the daylight. No, that's not what you wanted, you wanted chocolate. That's really the only thing you wanted right now. You tilted your head so you were able to look at Charles. Wait... Maybe you wanted more than just chocolate.

"Miss. Queen. Storm, may I please talk to the gentle man beside you alone?" you asked with an innocent smile. She only laughed and gave you a little nod. She stood up beside Charles whispering something in his ear. Why was she whispering? Was Charles and Storm a thing now? Were they together? Had they done it? Not that you were jealous, cause you totally weren't. You loved them both, but maybe not together. Not that you really could say so much about it. Charles wasn't yours, but.. he shouldn't be with anyone else either.

"What is it, love?" he said and turned back to you with a smile on his lips. Oh, they totally did it.

"Did you and Storm have sexual intercourse?" you asked him, while tapping on the button that made the mattress move so you could be sitting up. He looked at you in shock of your question.

"Love, you are a little bit high right now. Why don't you relax?" he said with a laugh. You looked at him with a smile and looked away. "I think the two of you did it" you mumbled, not even able to hide your disappointment. Again, it wasn't about them specifically, you just preferred Charles without any woman by his side.

"Do I hear disappointment in your voice?" he asked, taking it all in. You were maybe not gonna remember this clearly, but he most definitely would. He was gonna play this on repeat in his mind and for sure gonna show it to you when you least expect it, only to tease you. You rolled your eyes and scuffed in the bed, innocently hinting for him to sit down beside you. He didn't need to read your mind to take the hint so he gladly laid down beside you.

"I'm not disappointed. Storm is so pretty. Don't tell Storm, to be honest, I would do Storm, so I don't blame you" you said, correcting his judgement about your disappointment. Or at least that's what you felt like. Charles nodded his head, excited to see where this was going. You looked him directly in his eyes before you continued.

"The thing is Charles, we have done it... like we have done it a lot and I liked it. I liked doing it with you Charles Dickens, but we both know that we don't work like a thing. Like we fight too much, but I think that's kinda what make the sex so good, you get what I'm saying?" you explained to him. He worked so hard to not laugh at you, and again just kept nodding his head as you spoke.

"That doesn't mean I like the idea of you being with others. That's all." You said and finished your whole point. You looked over to the wall, staring at the clock in front of you, when Charles broke out in laughter. This was the stupidest thing he had ever heard you say, but he was so incredibly thankful that it was something you said out loud and not only a thought. It made it all so much better when he heard it with your voice. He took his arms behind his head and looked over at you with a teasing smile.

"So what your saying is that your totally fine with you getting a boyfriend, but you don't want me to get one because we have had sex. Am I getting it right?" he asked.

"Well, when you say it like that I sound like the jealous type which I'm totally not" you said laughing and looked back at him.

"No, you're totally not. So if I was to ask for Storm to get in back here again now, you would be all good with that?" He asked. Of course him and Storm had never ever done anything. It made it even funnier that you got it in your head. It just showed him that you simply thought like that about any girl he is in the room with and even if it's a bit ignorant to say he liked the idea of you being a bit jealous of him.

"I rather you not, not right now" you said shaking your head.

"You rather wanna lay here and just think about how good our sex was, wouldn't you?" he laughed with a smirk on his face.

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