36. Selfish

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"Does it hurt?" Zemo asked while he examined the wound. You sat on the couch, your hair still dripping from showering. Of course it hurt, but you knew he already was full of guilt so you simply shook your head. He shouldn't feel guilty, it was your choice to push him away and take the hit yourself. You could've easily let him get shot, but you didn't and you had to live with the consequences of that. He looked up at you with a weak smile, his head was spinning with questions, but he didn't know where to begin or if he really wanted to hear the answers.

"Y/n, what are you?" his eyes full of worry, trying to clear his head.

You looked down at your hands and took a deep breath. This was your chance to tell Zemo and open up about who you were, but your head kept telling you it wasn't safe. Zemo was a privileged, rich, white man, how could he ever understand you? You felt naive for even thinking it was a possibility for him to accept you. You looked up at him, moving your hand so you were holding his head. Your fingers move slowly moving against his soft skin. Why did everything have to be so complicated? Your eyes fell on his lips. His soft lips.


You close the space between the two of you as you lean in kissing him. You didn't wanna talk, you wanted to be selfish. He wrapped his hands around your waist immediately as his lips returned your favour. Your lips didn't stop, both of you understanding what was happening between the two of you. He leaned over you, positioning himself on top of you. His eyes went from worrying to pure lust within seconds. His hands were already under your shirt unclasping your bra. You started to unbutton your shirt, but Zemo lost his patience and ripped it off you. His lips moving down your neck as he threw away the bra. His fingertips sliding up your sides, taking in every inch of your body before his hands cups your breasts, his lips never leaving yours. You unbutton his shirt, letting your fingers trail down his muscles. Your fingers stopped with the fabric of his trousers. A smirk grew on Zemo's lips as he looked down at you

"Impatient, little bird?" he whispered teasingly against your lips.

Your heart skipped a beat when you heard him using the pet name. He took notice of your heavy breathing. He smiled as he took charge of the situation. He stood up and unbutton your trousers and took his time to simply look at you studying your every inch. "Mein Gott" he whispered as he leaned down, letting one finger slide from your ankles and stopped with the corners of your panties. He looked up at and you immediately gave him a nod, making it clear for him that you wanted this. His lips crashed against yours as you felt his fingers inside of you. It didn't take long before he found your sweet spot and started rubbing it gently in circles. A soft moan left your lips. You had forgotten how long it's been since you had been intimate with somebody, and how much you needed it. Zemo knew how to push all the right buttons on you and how to pleasure a woman. It wasn't only you that was enjoying this moment as you could feel his excitement growing between his legs. You got rid of his trousers, leaving the both of you with only one fabric left.

"Good girl" he whispered into your ear before he removed your panties.

He wanted you so badly. Since the second he laid his eyes on you back in Germany he knew it was something different with you. Of course you were beautiful, and coming right out of the prison he would be lying if he didn't admit that already when you met up in his car garage he didn't fantasise about what the two of you could do together. It was from the moment you talked that the fantasies didn't only wanna stay in his head, but he felt a physical urge to get close to you. You were stubborn, smart, playful and so many more qualities that attracted him to you. The urge he felt inside of him couldn't be described. He had been in prison for eight years, leaving him with only love letters from desperate women that had seen him in the news. It wasn't exactly his niche. Your hands slipped under his boxers as you wrapped your tiny hands around his warmth. Your movements made him feel so good, this was what he had been longing for. It didn't take long before the two of you were completely naked, touching each other on the couch. He moved his hands down to your legs, splitting them up from each other before he positioned himself between your legs and lowered down, taking your hands holding them over your head. His face only inches away from yours.

"I'm ready" you whispered desperately.

It was all he needed to hear, your angelic voice. A smirk grew on his lips as he gently pushed himself inside of you. 

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