71. Blood

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"No, I got a boyfriend Charles" you said, covering your hands to not show him that you were blushing, but the man only laid 10 centimeters away from you so he easily could see your rose coloured cheeks. Was he surprised about this new piece of information? No, you had always preferred to be with someone, even if it wasn't a healthy relationship he knew that you would rather be in a toxic one than being alone. Which never really had worked out for your advantage. He smiled, only waiting for you to continue to talk. You took away your hands from your face and bet your under lip.

"He act like he is very serious all the time, but he is very kind and smart" you said happily.

"And you got a thing for smart men don't you?" Charles said teasingly. You laughed and looked away.

"Oh my gosh, he is so good in bed... Of course he looks perfect and everything like that, but this man really focuses on me... like he sees me and touches me exactly how a wo.."

"Okay okay, I think I got the picture now. Enough." Charles interrupted and got out of your bed.

He wasn't jealous, he knew you were correct about the two of you. Even if a day where the two of you wanted to really try to be together, it wouldn't work. Him and you lived to very different lives and had very different values from each other. It shouldn't be a bad thing for a couple to disagree with each other, but with the jobs the two of you had it could easily get very dangerous. So his dream about you two together had been put dead many years ago, that didn't mean he didn't like you or could simply want to be with you from time to time. Hearing you then talk about another guy like this made him just a little uncomfortable.

"How did I even get here Charles?" you asked looking around the room, fascinated by the place. You had been here thousands of times before, but everything felt much more colourful now than before. Charles took a hand on your forehead and brushed away some hair that had fallen in front of your face.

"A very kind man paid you out of prison, but sadly you were very sick y/n and if you look up at that screen I'm pointing to.. there you can see that we're trying to help you by taking out the bad inside of you..." He explained until you disturbed him.

"What man? I wanna know, was it the sexy blind guy? don't tell him, but he didn't look rich enough" you said to him, whispering the last part of the sentence, in case the man was inside the building. Charles laughed and shook his head.

"No, it was Baron Helmut Zemo," he answered with a charming smile. Your eyes popped out eagerly by hearing Zemo's name. You clapped your hands. "Where is he? I miss him so much Zemo. I miss him like super much. I wanna kiss him on his Sokovian nose", you asked looking eagerly around. Okay, so Zemo was definitely the boyfriend you were talking about. You noticed a change in Charles behavior. His face got all serious and the smile you so much adored was gone. He took your hand and pointed back to the screen he was talking about earlier.

"Do you see the purple area on the screen vs the red?" he asked, and made sure you understood every bit of what he was saying. You nodded your head weakly staring at the screen.

"That's the imbalance in your blood vs the poison they put in you. They took a lot of blood from you, so for us to take out the poison, we need you to get more blood," he explained and looked over to the screen.

"Your aunt Irka isn't a blood match, neither is anyone at the school and your blood shouldn't be mixed with blood from homo sapiens... Therefore Zemo is going to find your father together with Bucky," he said, while whispering the last part of the sentence. He knew how touchy subject your father was to you, and with several different types of drug inside of you, he was most definitely sure that you would react even more than normal, and boy he was right.

He could see the shock in your face when he told you about Zemo and Bucky. You froze in your position, not even able to open your mouth and yell out how much of a bad idea it was. What if your father didn't even listen to them. They had no chance up against him, he would simply crush them with his own hands within seconds. Let's say they actually got him to talk, and for some absurd reason he said yes to help you and give you blood, wouldn't that mean you had to face him? And you weren't ready for that.

"No, no, no, that isn't safe, that isn't safe for them. I need to get out, I need to get up and help them Charles' ' you were begging, Charles had to hold both your arms down as you started to resist laying down and tried to pull out the very important medical cables attached to you. You got more and more aggressive until he was left with no other choice than to enter your mind.

'y/n, I need you to relax' he said as your body finally stopped fighting him.

'Charles you don't understand' you said back.

Everything was cloudy inside of here. You had been here before, but then it looked lighter while now the clouds seem the darkest shade of grey. Charles had told you everything about how his powers worked also what the colours on the clouds meant when he entered a person's mind. This was no good for you.

'Then explain to us y/n. I saw what happened inside the prison. What you did to yourself. We can help you.' he said, trying to get your attention, but even inside of your own damn mind you lost focus.

It wasn't even about losing focus, it was more about the fact that you had to face your own reality. Your own guilt, and inside of here you felt naked and alone, with no chance to run. Either you had to open up yourself to Charles, or he could easily lay a finger on your spine and read it out like yesterday's news.

'I am tired of hurting everyone I love. I don't wanna do it anymore. I wanna let go. It's easier for everyone.'

The words you spoke cut through Charles' heart. Of course he had seen what you did inside of the prison, but he hoped that was the drug alone talking, not actually you. The drug seems to do exactly what they had been telling you, making you unstable. Those feelings you had, was still yours, but with the drug it made you unstable enough to act on them.

'I hurt Sam. I hurt Bucky. I hurt my father. My mother. Tony. Irka. Pepper. You. Zemo. Everyone. I just want some peace'

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