Part 9

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Part 9

***What goes up must come down, ***

I use to think life was predetermined or that we all had a fate. I had the thought process of what’s meant to be will be what’s not won’t. And although I still believe this to be true, I don’t believe it is completely true. My thought’s on life are shaped and reshaped daily. I am forever growing, changing, and evolving. This, to me, is what leads to wisdom, enlightenment, and the true meaning of life. I recently had a growth spurt, and my view on life shifted. I have come to believe that life is simply several choices being played out in reality. Each choice that I make leads to another set of choices, that ultimately leads to my reality. The choices I made or make are indeed the choices that determine my life.

It's been three years on the run,  and it funny how I thought I will make it on my own in the wildness but trust me, life is so tough when you are on your own.

Besides that, I also have grown tired of constantly looking behind my shoulders hoping that my ex-husband won't wake up one day and decide to hunt me down and kill me.
Yes, I have an angry ex on my tail.

How did I get here?

Well, It all started with me taking advantage of a good man, you do you know the saying ' beauty with no brains' that just me in a nutshell, It's like I majored in the school of life with stupidity and now I'm in quicksand struggling to come out.

If I was given a chance to count the bad choices I made in my life I would run out of hands to count with.
At only 30 years I can gladly say I'm miserable.
I Lost everything a title of being someone wife and a mother to my beautiful kids, a loving husband, a warm home, a well-paying job, not forgetting a trusting and loyal circle of friends, what do I have now a bag of tears and regrets.

I bite my lip thinking where to from here, I don't have a past and my present looks shitty my future it's something I don't see at all...and yet  I thought I thought I had it figured all out but look at me now!

I'm broke can't get a job anywhere because I'm blacklisted to work at any financial institution and you got to love and hate the South African Job agency for every application you sent to them it goes for an ITC check and my name is flagged in black. Why did I think I will ever get away with crime? While I was married to an ex-National Special Guard Special Forces, not only was he trained to kill but he was able to prevent terrorist attacks from happening, such as finding and eliminating a terrorist cell. And what did I do I cheated on him and stole his money.

Why? ... Because I thought I can get away with it! Another stupid mistake that left me with nothing. . .The last stack of money I had gone down the drain like shit, bad investment left me with an empty bank account. I thought that if I can't get a job let me invest in a pyramid scheme, bad decision I ever made!, this shit left me with debt that I can't pay, had to sell my designer clothes just to afford patrol money for my car to come back to Durban and try to restore my life.

Two days in this place and I feel like my life has gone from the pan to the fire!!

"I'm sorry for taking much of your time "
I faked a smile tapping my fit impatiently
Me: you said you have news about the case?"
She set down and looked at me
Her: I'm sorry to tell you this but it will best if you find yourself another lawyer "
Me: what?"
Her: I'm not going up against Nelisiwe Ngubane in court,  sorry sisi if I knew who we were dealing with I would have not opened this case "

Me: What?"
Her: she will bury me and my firm is small and struggling I can't go against one of the big attorneys From Mnguni and associate"
Me: you don't understand I need my child back "
Her: I'm sorry Mrs. Dlamini... But I can't help you"
I looked down and swallowed

Me: ok it's fine I will go elsewhere... Where can I feel the reimbursement form"
She looked at me and showed me a sign at the door which made me want to screen
Me: I just paid you 15 grand for you to reopen this case...and all you did was just sent a letter of summoning to Velile, so you telling me that R15k was just to send a bloody letter, a bloody letter that still did not help me with anything? Aybo ungazo dlala la wena ngicela imali Yami!"
Her: I'm sorry Mrs. Dlamini but the legal fee, consultation, and meetings we have had telephonically and face to face all add up in that invoice "
Me: don't bullshit me about your stupid policies... It's either you continue what you started or you pay me back!"
Her: well I don't fight losing battles, I'm sorry, and as the signer on the door says, there are  NO return or refund policies in this place... "
I popped my eyes open looking at her,

Me: I hired you to get my child back..."
She laughed throwing her gum on her mouth
Her: look Mrs. Dlamini all clients who come to my office only want one thing and that is money, this was a good plan, you use your child as a bate to get paid,  but you overlooked one important thing...your opponent!"

Me: do I look like I give a shit at this point? I spent my last cent on this because somehow  word on the street is that you make things happen so if that ain't happening Give me back my bloody money you bitch!!"
I'm on my feet shouting at the top of my voice

Her: that's it I'm calling security"
Me: do you know who I am? ... I swear to God don't push me!!"
Her: or what? ... You don't even know who you going up against and now you here all up in my face bucking like a toothless dog, drop this fight women you never going to win...with that attitude!"

I felt hands on my arm it's security damn it
" Mam!!!"
Me: get your bloody hands off me!!'
Her: get her out of my office please!"
Security is pulling me and I feel like beating the shit out of this bitch, was I just played again? why is this shit always happening to me!! I'm so angry that I'm swearing and shouting at the top of my voice, fuck morality and being a lady, claws are out I'm ready to fight, but the security drags me out and this shit I'm going is causing a scene, I'm a pulse size women and to be dragged out like this is embarrassing but hey I don't care, this bitch just took my last cent with no remorse or what's so ever!

Me: ulibambe lingashoni, you played with the wrong bitch... Uyezwa wenanja!!!... I will get you!!... So help me God if it is the last thing that I do,  I will make you pay....!!"

Her: for all is worth I'm sorry..." She said slamming her office door and all eyes were on me now, I'm a joke!!, just two days in Durban and my reputation just went down the drain!

Me: what the fuck are you looking at!!" I screamed, and attack them, fuck I'm going to be on social media with all the cameras on me.

I fixed my hair and composed myself, I started walking out, I'm holding my head up high but inside I could feel that I'm like a dog with a tail in between her legs, the laughing, giggling and gossips that following me, to the door in this office made feel so small, shame washed over me. Yet I keep telling myself I'm never going to cry! But the reality is I should cry now.

My name is Nompumelelo Msimangu Dlamini the counterfeit


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