Part 21

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***Never forget to be kind when you have to be critical.***

🌹 Nompumelelo🌹

I was woken up by rap music playing on the radio, I wanted to scream, and say
"fuck off "
is this how I'm going to live? To be  woken up by loud music playing!

I drag my sloppy body out, just to ask Liya if we can turn the radio down better yet turn it off, but I found her on the phone talking and laughing,

So I decided to just simply turn the bloody volume down,
one think I have picked up about her is that she has the most bubbly personality, loves to talk, and laugh, me not that much, it's a habit I came to custom too, for the past year's I spend my morning quiet just me and my thought, and now I feel like I'm sharing a house with a DJ, I frown looking at her, I can't help to admire her body, she has the most beautiful slim body, kind reminds me of Sindy. My eyes shifted from her as She turns and looked at me and smile after she dropped her call.

I said walking in the kitchen,
Her: morning " she yawned,
She looked  tired but she was all dressed up and ready to go to work,
Her: I'm glad to see you alive, I thought LT killed you or something "
I faked a smile, pretending to care, all I wish is that she can just take her bag and go, so I can have a quiet morning, I really do not feel like talking, or being around another human being today, don't get me wrong I like people. I like to hang out with people, just not that much. . .

Me: yeah she does not like me that much "
Her: she said that about you too...vele vele what went down izolo?"
Me: look Liya I'm not your charity case or thief and I did not like the way she treated me "
Her: what? Phela mina all I see hear is a person in need, you see Nompumelelo baggers can not be choosers"
Me: she is not ranting this house but you are so why must I tolerate her?"

Her: ooh so because I offered you a place to stay you will pretend to tolerate me! ... Treat me differently?"
Me: I didn't mean it that way"
Her: you know what your problem is? It's because you are rude and think way too highly of yourself !"
I looked at her not sure what to say
Her: it's like you lived under a rock for year's, yini are you suffering from social anxiety... Because when you open your mouth you send people packing "

Me: it was not my intention I'm just not a peoples person "
Her:  wow! So in other words you not nice?...friendly person, who is warm and kind to strangers and people from all walks of life?"
I folded my arms and looked down, I have a problem with this definition. A “nice person” or “normal human being”... At times I ask myself that If I’m not a people person, then what am I?
A cynic might call me a self-absorbed bitch, That would imply excessive contemplation of myself at the expense of everyone else...but to be honest, where has that gotten me into?

Her: you know what I give up..."
She said giving me her back she started making coffee, while I was biting my nails trying to figure out what does she mean by giving up? Is she kicking me out?

Me: Liya.."
She looked at her watch and back at me
Her: Nompumelelo... "
Ok, I don't know her that well but I could tell that she is pissed,
Me: please call me Mpume you sound like my mother when you call me by my full name "

She rolled her eyes taking a sip of her coffee, this girl is hot, I have seen dark skin beauty before but not have seen such beauty, thick lips lazy eyes, and that smile wow

Her: you starring..._
Me; I'm sorry... "
Her: ok now you creeping me out..."
I just looked at her as she squinted her eyes
Her: hhaybo this is the part that you start talking!!"
Me: look I believe we started off on a wrong foot "
Her: look I only have few minutes to go to you have something to say...then tell me the obvious,?"
Me: I don't know how to say this "
Her: ok when you figure it out let me know..."

She took her cup and made her way to the sink. I need a place to stay but I have this huge difficulty in humbling myself, 

Right now my brain is receiving all kinds of conflicting messages about humility, they say you need to  Be humble but confident, be modest but don’t put yourself down, don’t be too assertive but don’t be too deferential either. At this point, I'm confused about how to be truly humble. . . I need this girl but I can stand low to ask her to help me...she already hates me for picking up a fight with her friend LT, and she has said ' I give up whatever that means but the truth of the matter is I need her.

I bite my lip thinking, I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent my entire life being cocky every time I felt proud of myself, or I’ve thought I was being humble when really I was just doing the opposite, I'm a self-centers bitch and in my current situation I have learned  that umuntu umuntu ngabantu, no human is an island,

We know from every awards speech or best-selling book that humility is a desirable quality in every person, But how do I accomplish that without putting myself down? What does being humble even mean? How can one be confident, empowered, and humble all at the same time?

Her: ooh shit...I'm running late and my boss is going to kill me..."
She takes her bag and cellphone
Me: Liya... Thank you for offering me a place to stay "
There I finally said it ' THANK YOU'
Her: mmm and how long will this arrangement be?"
Me: it's just a few days or so... I'm kinda off in a jam with my old place "
She looks at me and raised her eyebrow
Her: few days you say?"
Me: I promise I won't be in your way...I can even apologize to LT if that will make you reconsider my offer"
She bites her lip thinking
Her: you forgot one word in that sentence "
I look at her and frowned
Her: are you sure Mom Majozi is your mother because clearly, you don't act like a PK ?"

"Technically I'm not a PK, my mother married Majozi when I was 22 years, so she married church, not me "
Her: wow!... "
Me: look I understand if you don't want me..."
" you got that right, I feel like you taking my kindness for granted its been few hours with you hear but I'm already regretting it"
I looked away I'm angrier now than desperate, this girl keeps throwing unnecessary punches at me does she expect me to beg her?
Her: God Nompumelelo... This is the part that you say please! ...are you even desperate? Because clearly you acting like you have other options "
Me: why must I be a mind reader thing like you do and say exactly what you want me to say when you want me to say it! I need a place to stay can you stop kicking me when I'm already down!..."
Her: maybe if you had tried to humble yourself ngabe we not having this conversation... it's not need it may I please "

She said and walked out, I sat back on the chair and held my head fuck!

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