Part 152

273 44 3

* **Chained With Wire ***


I have lived a solitary life for as long as I could remember, and the most interesting this is that for the last twenty years, that life has been increasingly rewarding. My mother always complained or maybe it was a concern that I leave lonely life, but Solitude is WAY different from loneliness. However, society often mistakes solitude for loneliness.
I have the time of solitude each day since I recently came out from jail, moved away from home, and I am in a serious but yet not too committed relationship yet and I don't have a roommate.
Anyway, spending time by myself is fantastic, I get to reflect on my life and be by myself. I get some space from everyday life and stress.
It's like I get this time to recharge myself and it's more like meditating cause I get a chance to help myself understand myself better. And I have come to like some 'me time.'

But as the saying goes nothing ever last forever the sweet breeze of freedom has completely vanished, and I'm now chained with a wire of motherhood... of being a mother to two adult children, that are forever grumpy in my house! It was bad enough that I had no clue on how to be a parent to Zuko alone but now with Nikiwe around I feel like I'm losing my mind, I swear to God Oyama's kids are the moodiest beings I have ever seen, and their Temper Lord, I pray you take me now because I just can't deal with it!

I know that Nikiwe is going through an identity crisis, or should I say she just came to the sad truth that her marriage is one big incest. But I don't understand why she chose my house as her safe house!!

Lord, knows I want to kick her out of my house because she is Ginger's daughter, or the better word to use is Oyama.s busted but I can't cause Zuko has suddenly become the brother of the year to this girl!

I know my son relies on me to help Nikiwe out, but the sad part is that I can't get through to her, but who am I kidding I suck at comforting people, all I have been saying to her is t' everything will be ok ' this will work itself out, don't worry everything will be fine ' and the reaction I got from her was " Rose please leave me alone !!!" with a door slammed in my face in my house !!!

Sandile kept telling me to give her time and space she will talk when she ready, I must allow her to meltdown and feel the pain on her own, and my mother on the other hand went all Dr Phill on me and told me that "children who have been victims of parental alienation syndrome are far more likely to see the other parent as bad or unloving. Therefore, it's easier to develop a narrative of the estranged parent as contemptible and not worth respecting,"

Yeah I hear them but I won't be bleeding through the wound right now if only she took her fucked up self to her house, rather than stay in my house and I the owner of the house have to walk on eggshells when she is in my presence

"What are you doing? "

Zuko says behind me while I was busy chopping carrots "I'm cooking Zuko "

Him: last time I checked, you hate cooking "

Me: I do, but hey we must eat, right? "

He breathed out loud "It's been a week with you acting like this ... and don't tell me that you are ok cause I know your mother you are not ... so when are you going to tell me what's wrong with you? "

I stop chopping and bite my lip thinking that if only Zuko knew how unprepared I am for the degree of hostility and antagonism that he has brought into my house he will not be asking me this question, but how do I tell my son that his half-sister is the problem without causing another drift between us, him being here it was for him and me to make mends create a relationship but how the fuck are we doing that when all of his focus revolved around Nikiwe and worst I have no clue how to handle this situation cause hallo his my only son and I have no experience from other prior relationships to prepare me for how hurt, betrayed, and angry he has made me feel

I slowly turned to look at him, but my frown turned into a smile as I noticed that he has a new haircut and his artist look or should I say hobo clothes are replaced with ordinary clothes, his nose and eyebrow ring are gone, he looks so handsome. . . no wait he looks like a good looking man, is it me or even his skin complexion is shades lighter then he was before, hhaybo who is this young man before me?

Him: what? ... what's up with that look you are giving me?"

Me: you look...different ... you look so handsome "

Him: not you to Mother, you know I just video-called Gogo earlier and she was crying and thanking GOD, please don't pull that stunt on me too "

I held my mouth trying to laugh but tears found their way out first.

Him: ok you doing it too ... I'm out of here "I bust out and laughed and ran after him held his hand and dragged him back to the kitchen.

Me: help me cook and I promise I won't act wearied "

Him: only if you promise to talk to me in the process "

He said looking at me with his beautiful big lazy eyes, which I hate to love because they remind me of Oyama

Me: only if you promise to talk to me properly too "

Him: uuuuh, so what are cooking? "

I looked at him and smiled as he washed his hands, the moment was disturbed by my ringing phone, I looked at the screen and I smiled stepped into the pantry, and answered my phone

" Sawbona"

He snickered; it was Sandile calling me

Him: all I'm picturing are you washing my feet now wearing an apron and head wrap calling me Baba "

I bust out and laughed.

Me: says a man who has never pictured himself married "

Him: I was waiting for the right woman "

Me: Sandile I'm too old to be jumping into another marriage "

Him: shit why are we even talking about this? "

I laughed "You started it "

Him: mmmm "

I laughed again, Sandile is afraid of commitment like crazy which is good cause I too don't see myself jumping the broom again, but we have a good thing going, Sandile is my dream Man his character alone turns me on, his loving, kind, over protective, possessive, a bit controlling, Sandile makes me so happy that at times I even forget that I am still married to a Nigerian drug lord, because when Sandile is around he wants to be with me 24/ 7, I'm just glad that this past few days he went to Ngonyameni to some royal funeral and I got a chance to breath or better yet get suffocated by my two adult children in my house

Him: how are the kids "

Me: don't ask ... how is the funeral "

Him: I did not attend ..."

He: what, why? "

Him: have you read the documents that Kevin left for you "

Me: what documents and why are you not answering me? "

Him: I'm sure it's in your living room ... please go over them tonight ... "

Me: aahhh ok"

Him: and Rose please stay indoors till I come back, I have beefed up security just in case .... "

Me: what? Just in case what? ... is it Oyama? Sandile, what's going on? "

Him: Ngozu Ngeve ...she in town, and I don't think it's a friendly visit ... just do as I say ok, I'm on my way back I will tell you everything when I get there "

He: SANDILE! .... SANDILE... what do you mean Ngozu is in town?"

Him: I love you ... "and just like that he dropped the call, I held my head and stepped out of the pantry, I found Zuko waiting for me and looking at me with angry eyes

Me: what? "

Him: So, what now, I'm going to be your poisoner? Are you going to add more guards to this house just because I went to visit Oyama? "

Me: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!"

To be continued...

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