Part 83

362 82 9

*** Thin line between love and hate ***


" what did you say? "
He tilted his head and looked at me,  I'm pissed no wait, I'm angry this can not be? So Mlondi Bhengu is the Bhengu the crazy prince? Sibahle brother?
Me: hold up...hold it right there "
I said standing up, waving my manicured fingers at him, this can't be, I look at him his too ghetto, unruly compared to his brother and sister not to mention The Queen, fuck how could this be?
Me: I should know you... I mean..."
Him: ooh because your mother is my brother inlaws spiritual mother whatever that is... You should know me?"
I frown his making me feel stupid now and that just pissing me off
Him: so that is out of the way, can we now proceed... Ngane ka Mntungwa"

Me: what the fuck? you did a background check on me?"
I said folding my arms looking at him trying to play it cool while I'm just boiling inside,  I have been blinded by lust and love that I had let my guard down, now the man I thought I was in love with is not who I think he is, so what does this mean now? Is he pissed that I have lied to him and I have deceived him for months? does he maybe think what I feel for him is all an act since I have been living a pretense life?

But on the other hand, my mind immediately snaps and I am like WTF, as in seriously WTF did he just indirectly say he had googled me or did he actually go out of his way and paid a person to conduct an identity search on me? why because he's the fucking royalty?

His look still has not changed his still tilting his head, hands deep in his pocket, and looking at me with his small eyes, bloody hell this guy is hard to read
Me: So you think you know me?"
Him: Look Lethu I feel like I was born to have an empty, clear head and experience life in the most primal, simplest way possible. But this societal mess is clearly built on nothing but thoughts and all kinds of intellectual nonsense, so I  obviously have to use my brain in a consciously thinking way, to be able to function within it, and that alone annoys the living shit out of me, just the mere fact of how complicated a human brain is and  it's  idiotic fucking, just drains me,  I feel it's one of the reasons for the sorry-ass state of humanity to constantly have an over usage of the overthinking I just resorted not to think, I collect information to feed my brain so what I'm telling you now, I know!"
I frowned, there he goes with philosophy, God I hate it when he talks like a professor from England. I have a big frown on my face, but he just looked at me with not even a slight change in his expression.

Him: more like what you do for a living right? ...collect information?"
I looked at my gun then back at him, this shit just hit the fan... right now I don't know if Mlondi is an enemy or what?... I mean, only Mbali knows I work for special forces, how the shit did this guy find out?

Me: How did you find out that...?"
Him: the very same way I know you are on an undercover mission looking for this notorious guy called Shaka Zulu"
I dropped my mouth open
Me: how long have you known?"
Him: from the first day I met  you..."
I'm shocked so he knows?
Him: this is small town Lethu and to be honest you know nothing about blending in or being an undercover agent, God damn it you could have gotten killed do you even know how dangerous this job is"

I bite my lip in frustration so all along I was guilty of lying to him while he already knew my true identity? The worst part is his angry and shouting at me.

Me: what you know about me is classified... I don't know how and where you got this information but I was not going to up and tell you why I came here and what I'm assigned to do "
Him: makes me want to ask if you being with me was work?.. an act/maybe?"
Me: no! of cause not...Mlondi I don't mix my personal life with my work...look I came here to do an assignment  and you came along unexpectedly what I feel for you is real ...look I'm sorry I lied to you, I just did not have a choice"

Him:..damn it Lethu why this Job why this assignment? ..."
I didn't know how to answer that, he is angry for what, I don't know, will my job be a problem in our relationship, I can't believe I'm all up in my head worried about us than the fact that he knows shit that he is not supposed to know.

Him:... you were better off as a soldier, you had good stripes, you should have remained in the navy, not to mention you look sexy in a uniform, ...but this suicide mission you got yourself into is the most stupid thing you could have ever done, I mean what if I ... I mean you don't even know how dangerous this guy is that you are busy you looking for!"

Me: Mlondi can you stop shouting at me,  I am not a child but a trained soldier and I am fully capable of taking care of myself!"
He laughed shaking his head
Him: I don't think that it will be that simple this time "
He said running his hands on his face, now makes me wonder if he knows Shaka Zulu, from what I picked up about Mlondo his very influential runs this street as if he is president,
Me: what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Him: you way over your head thinking you can arrest a man like Shaka Zulu!"
Me: you read my file, so you know what I am capable of"
Him: yep you were a sniper I read that, killed people as if it was sport to you...sure you were trained mercenary and following orders, but The worst killing you are faced with now is that which kills the joy you got from life..."
Me: what do you mean?"

The room became dead silent, you could actually hear a pin drop, his eyes did not leave my eyes, my heart started beating fast, I'm trying to register what he just said to me,
Him: you say he is a ghost ... You have  looked for him everywhere even resorted to saying that you are  chasing a wild goose, ...Shaka is not dead no, is he a ghost his closest to you then you could eve imagined..."
Me: what?"

He side smile shaking his head and walks close to me but I take a step back
Him: he walks close to you, kiss you, hugs you, spend every day showing you his love...and you made love to him Lethu"
I step back it's like someone just pressed the play button in my head

" Shaka there is a beautiful girl..." I recall Impi saying that when I was in a deep sleep, I look at Mlondi and wonder... The burner phone, the gun... No, it can't be, could it be?...  I looked at him, who is this man?

Me: what are you trying to say?"
It came out as a whisper, even choking on the lump on my throat,
He drops his gaze and in a split second I grab my guy and I point it to him, my heart is beating out of my mouth, from what I read and what I know Shaka is an animal, a psychopath a man with no  conscious an unemotional sick busted,  he slowly raised his head and looks at me, he sides smile
Him: so what? you going to shoot me?"
Me: who the fuck are you?"
He bites his lip looking at me
Him: first let me start by saying you look sexy with that gun pointing at me"

Me: you pissing me off...!!!"

Him: you finished my jelly beans I'm more pissed at you because I'm having this talk with you feeling very agitated...and now you got this bloody gun pointed at me!"
Me: start talking or else I sweat to God I will pull this trigger!!"
Him: your instinct to pull a gun at me has already said a lot, what the fuck do you want me to say ?"

Me: you are Mlondi man how... Why did you become this lunatic ...?"
Him: I'm still the same man you are in love with "
Me: just stop it. . . STOP IT!!!... I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!!"
Him: only my family and the women that I love, who is now pointing a gun at me know the real me... know my identity, Lethu I am Mlondi!"
I started crying
" you the most wanted man in South Africa..."
Him: that man is my alias...I bloody did what I did to survive, now please babe put the gun down.   .   "
Me: was this all your plan? destruct me, make me fall in love with you then what? kill me?"
Him: damn Lethu put the gun down and let me explain!"

He was waving his hands up and coming close to me but stopped when I cooked the gun,
Him: Shit!.... Look Muntu wami, my personal life and work are... "
Me: shut the hell up!!... "
My tears fell down the gun was shaking,
Him: No Lethu look at me babe... fuck! "....The gun went off

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