Part 46

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***The tide will always turn at the set time***


" your eyes are red were you crying? "
Me: you walking funny, what's up?"
She rolled her eyes and hugged me God knows I need that,
Me: are you ok?"
Her: are you ok?"
We said at the same time and we bust out and laughed,

We walked inside the house and I looked at her, as she threw her big self on the couch
Me: if my memory serves me well you were wearing this same dress yesterday. ..ooh shit where the fuck is your bra?....did you....? Ooh my God Mpume!?..." I held my mouth " girl is that the walk of shame written all over your face?!!"
Her: please don't judge me?"
Me: from the morning I had you go first and make my life a little bit brighter "

Her: you drove in the house with the most expensive car and you want my dirt!?... How about you tell me what happened with Ntsika?"

I breathe out loud and set on the couch
Her: he broke your heart right? Damn, why do men always do that!... You know I thought I met me right, the nice car definitely wealthy and he turned out to be a pig..."

She was busy rambling on and on  about the guy she meet yesterday and how sex turned out to be torture, then pleasure, frankly I think she acted like a hooker that why the guy gave her an envelope full of money after having his way with her, who hooks up with a guy and sleep with a guy on the same day, all I see here is Mpume acting childish she so eager to leave the hood that she will even sleep with the devil himself

Her: Liya... Are you even listening to me "
Me: uuuh"
Her: what did Ntsika do?"
Me: Ntsika did not do anything..."
She moved close to me and held my hand

Her: look Liya  Even if you feel as though you're in a great relationship, if there are little things that keep pissing you off, it could mean that it's not meant to last. If Ntsika can't please you and constantly disappoints you too often and you can't seem to get over it, it might be a major red flag that he won't be able to improve in the future. . . look he had money flashy car but does he have love?"

Me: he told me he loved me this morning... Surprised me with a gift basket at work, girl I'm even driving his car and he left his pant house keys with me... Listen me and him are good... I am just stressed by something else"
She frowned and looked at me,
"Look I'm not pissed at Ntsika but at my mom..."
Her: what... So you telling me the rich mystery guy loves you?"
Me: Mpume that not the point!"

She stood up and just said the most outrage phrase ever
" God this is unbelievable"

Me: what does that supposed to mean? "
She was about to open her mouth but her phone started ringing,
She hushed me with her hand, my mouth was wide open in shock
Her: hello "
Her: yes it's she "
Her: really... But I thought..."
Her: no no no, tomorrow, it's fine  ... Yes...oh thank you so much...thank you bye"
She turned and looked at me,
Her: guess who's your new boss?" she said with the most widest smile after she stopped screaming, I rolled my eyes and stood up,
Her: they say I'm stating tomorrow ooh my God Liya this is a sign, you can't put a good woman down "
Me: Unbelievable!!"
I said to her rolling my eyes and made my way out to the car,

Her: Liya..."
Me: I'm in no mood for your selfish act, for once in your life try and understand that people do go through things too...either it can be good or bad we go through it all, so for you to think you are entitled to the finer things in life and hoodrats like us don't, it's just shows that all the life lesson life has thrown at you, you have not leaned even one learson!"
Her: what?"
I shut the door and jumped into the car and drove off to Ntsika's house.

Life is full of trials, on its, own and healthy relationships can offer invaluable support. But in this society, we live in we have people like Nompumelelo Msimango that will only leave you feeling pressured to maintain any flow or achievement  you might have in your life to yourself, from her attitude it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison and insecurity particularly because she thinks she all that

" you father just died Lethu you can't be thinking of going back to work!"
Me: mama why are we pretending as if Mntungwa was the father of the year "
My mother just looked at me, no matter how crazy I may get at times I never ever talk back to my mother, because she can whips like you stole something
Me: ngiyaxolisa "
Her: I know you did not have the best of relationships with your father but, his your father his late now and we need to respect that uyangizwa"
Me: yes Mama"
Her: Mbali is broken as you know how close she was with your father,  me and Jisha can do so much but at the end of the day she needs her big sister...can you focus on this family for once in your life!"
I nodded and told her I will speak to her when I get back,

I jumped into my car and drove to work, I had an urgent meeting with my boss.
" you late "
She said without looking at me, this old woman and smoking it will be the death of her,
Me: I'm sorry but it's kind of hard getting out of the house since you know..."
Her: mmmm Mntungwa was the born leader great man, I'm so sorry for your loss, how is your mother "
Me: thank you, mom is taking it one day at a time"
Her: mmm"
She turned and looked at me,

Her: I read your report I'm very impressed so tell me how soon can you go under "
" me?"
Her: Lethu I got big cases on my lap and I need to close them, the big boss is on my ass for taking this long to close these cases... But I can't do two things at once that why I need you to go under "
Me: with all due respect Captain I'm a train military killer, being a sniper meant I had to take cases outside my country, for year's I was away from home, when I finally left the army and join the special forces I aimed to be close to home that is why I took the job to collect and analyze data, I have never done an undercover job ever in my life! "
Her: Lethu you are the only person that knows how this man operates and is being. A beautiful woman it will be easy nail, Shaka Zulu"
Me: Muntu I don't know about this!"

I said biting my lip looking away, she place hands on my shoulder
Her: you the only person I trust with this case..."
I shook my heard
Her: I promise you that once I find Oyama Nqeve I will pull you out of the case I will deal with it myself, I just can't juggle these two major cases together, Lethu I need you I really do "

I looked at her and nodded, I know what I am about to do I will regret it no doubt, but with the death of my father looming over my head I need a huge destruction,
Me: if my cover gets blown in whatever way before we close the case I will kill him first before he kills me, I don't care about you wanting to nail him,  I'm not going to have a dangerous gangster on my back!"

She smiled and nodded

Him: Fine with me "
I breathe out loud
Me: tell me about my cover..."

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