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My girlfriend, Nini, went here to the Star Café and decided to stay here because she wanted to wait for me until the end of my shift because she wanted to be with me

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My girlfriend, Nini, went here to the Star Café and decided to stay here because she wanted to wait for me until the end of my shift because she wanted to be with me.

She already apologized to me and to those around her, which made me proud of her.

I'm glad and happy that she is slowly melting and warming others.

This is such a great day...

The bell rings, indicating a customer has entered the cafe. I immediately went to the front and stood in my position.

"Hi! Welcome to the Star Café! What can I get for you?" I greeted the customer, but I couldn't see her face because she was wearing a mask.

"Can I get one latte, Priya?" She asked and addressed me using an old name, which made me frown.

Priya? How did she know it?

Wait, don't tell me.

"Hyun?" I tilted my head a bit to peek at her so I could see if it was really her, and she removed her mask.

"The one and only." She went inside the counter, and she grabbed me for a hug. "I miss you so much, Priya."

I hugged her back, and then I heard a very loud shout coming from the second floor of the cafe, and I don't need to guess who it is since there is only one person who will do that.

"YAH!! LET GO OF HER! OF HER!" Nini shouted; she just saw us hugging each other.

"Who is she?" Hyun pulled away from me and asked me who Nini was.

Nini went to us, and she pushed Hyun away from me.

"Why are you hugging my Lili?" She raised her tone and glared at Irene-Unnie.

Possessive Nini is in the house.

"Who are you?" Irene-unnie asked with one raised eyebrow, not minding the dagger look my girlfriend gave her.

"I think I should be the one who asked you who you were to hug my Lili." Nini clenched her palm into a fist.

"I'm her girlfriend." Irene-Unnie stated this, which made me let out a deep sigh.

Hayss, why are there always people around me introducing themselves as my lovers?

"Impostor!! I'm her real girlfriend, you bitch, so don't ever come closer to my Lili, or else I'm going to kill you with my bare hands." Nini threatened her.

"Did you just threaten me?" Irene-Unnie asked coldly.

"Yes, I am." Nini replied in the same tone.

I noticed people inside the coffee shop were watching us; Nini's voice probably drew people's attention since she shouted earlier.

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