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After the wedding, everyone is at the venue to celebrate the successful, beautiful, and memorable wedding of Mrs. Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban-Kim and Mrs. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim-Manoban.

Every invited guest is trying their best to have a chat with the newlywed couple, saying their congratulations and wishing them all the best.

Lalisa was standing beside her wife, greeting the guests and talking with them to entertain them, when she was suddenly called by her big brother, Bambam.

"Nini, I will go with Bambam-oppa. Just stay here and have fun, and then we will be going ahead for our honeymoon." Lalisa kissed her wife's temple, who nodded in understanding.

"Hmm, I love you." Jennie replied.

"I love you too." She said before she followed her brother to the balcony.

Lalisa saw her brother standing while leaning on the railings, wearing a suit. She stood beside him and waited for him to talk.

"Congratulations, my dear little sister." Bambam greeted her.

"Thank you." Lalisa simply replied.

All of a sudden, Lalisa heard a sniff coming from her brother, which made her look at him. She saw him crying, trying to stay silent as much as he could, but he failed.

Bambam's knees gave up; he sat on the floor, and Lalisa did the same thing. He cried, and Lalisa just stayed with him like she did when Halmeoni died.

"I'm sorry, I'm just too happy that you finally have the happy ending that you truly deserve." Bambam wiped his tears and looked at his dear little sister that he had been protecting since the day they met. "After what you have been through, you deserve all of this happiness and achievement. Halmeoni is very proud of you, and even I, the two of us, are very happy and proud of you, Lalisa."

Lalisa listened attentively to Bambam; she did not speak because she knew her brother wanted to say something.

"To be honest, I did not expect that this things would happen to you because you're not that type of kid. Your prefer books that social life even though I tell you repeatedly to go get a social life so you could live like how a normal kid would live. I watched you grow up thinking you were different from anyone because you're a very special one. I was worried that you would be living forever with no one else except for me, but guess what? You found the one." Bambam stared at his sister and reached for her left hand, wherein he saw a wedding ring.

"I would be able to live without worrying about your future now. You grew up so well and were different from the kid I met before. I'm very proud of you, and I love you with all of my heart, Lalisa. I'm grateful that you became my little sister, and I hope that in my next life, I will have you again as my little sister." Lalisa hugged Bambam tightly and patted his back.

"I want you to become my only big brother in every world and every life that I will have, Bambam-oppa. Thank you for sharing your grandmother with me; thank you for being my big brother." Lalisa told Bambam, which made the latter cry even more.

Bambam can't help but to cry; he does not know why he can't stop his tears. He was just too proud of what Lalisa has become now.

He no longer needs to live in worry that if he starts his own family, his little sister will feel left alone. The reason he never dated anyone is that he focuses on Lalisa and his work.

However, now that his little sister is married and in good hands, He can now focus on himself and start a family of his own, like what their Halmeoni wanted.

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