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My girlfriend, Lalisa and I will be having our first make-out session. She made this deal just to stop me from forcing her to watch some Yadong.

This girlfriend of mine is so innocent and adorable at the same time.

"Nini, I'm going to kiss you now," she informed me, and I nodded.

We gradually closed our distance as she held my side. I closed my eyes and felt her lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around her neck and deepened the kiss.

She gasped, and I took the chance to insert my tongue. I straddle her lap, and I suck her tongue. She moans sexily, which turned me on, and I felt her hands tighten the hold on my waist.

I keep kissing her sweet lips and sucking her tongue. I already tasted her saliva, and it freaking surprisingly tastes good.

Slowly, I pull away to catch my breath.

"Do it like I did, Lili," I whispered to her, and she kissed me. She bit my lower lip for entrance, and I opened my mouth for her tongue to insert.

She sucked my tongue roughly, causing me to moan in delight. Her hands are now under my shirt, caressing my back.

I pulled away, and I kissed her earlobe. I could feel her cold hands on my back; it definitely made me shiver.

"Remove it, Lili." I sexily whispered in her ear, kissing her again, and she was about to unhook my bra when suddenly, a phone rang.

Lili pulled away from the kiss and said, "It's your phone; answer it, Nini."

"I don't want to, Lili. Let's continue." I was about to kiss her again, but the phone kept ringing.

I got the phone and answered it angrily when I saw who the caller was.


RJ: Why?!

KJ: Did I interrupt something?

RJ: Yes, you are. Why did you call?

KJ: Limario is needed here. Her professor and classmate found her.

RJ: Just reason with them.

KJ: I already did, but they still have activities they need to do. Bring her here now!

Call Ended

"Who was that?" Lili asked me; her face was red and her lips were swollen.

"It's Jisoo-unnie," I answered as I combed her hair using my fingers.

"What did she say?"

"Your professor was looking for you."

"Ahh, I need to go now, Nini."

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