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"Nini, can you let go of me now?"

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"Nini, can you let go of me now?"

"No, never."

She is actually clinging to me sideways; her legs are on my waist, and her arms are around my shoulders.

I was walking while she was clinging to me. I was holding her just in case she fell. She suddenly shifted her position, and she's riding my back now.

"Nini, I need to go out of this room." She shook her head, disagreeing.

Ever since we made up, she has always been so clingy.

"Don't go, Lili." She said with an aegyo.

"Such a clingy CEO." I heard Mina-unnie utter those words, then she cleared her throat. "Ms. Kim, Lisa will just need to go to the Finance Department."

"Why?" Nini inquired, her voice solemn. She used to sound like a child, but now she sounds like a professional.

"They will update Lisa about their report before they present it to the meeting."

"Lili, working in this company means working under me since I'm the CEO, so I'm giving you a task to just stay here with me." Nini ordered me, which made Mina and I chuckle.

"Mina-unnie, tell them I will do it later." She nodded.

I went inside Nini's office and carefully sat her down on the couch. I face her, and she is pouting. She was holding the hem of my blazer.

"Why is my Nini pouting?" I cooed.

"Nini wants a hug and kisses." She uses her aegyo while pouting and giving me puppy eyes.

"Nini, your Lili needs to work to help the company."

"But I'm your boss, so I want you to obey me."

"Come here." I signed her to hug me, and she obliged.

Slowly, I laid down on the couch, and she was on top of me. She buried her head in my neck and sniffed my scent. I played with her hair, and she relaxed with it.

"Nini." I softly called her name and felt her purr.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response, looking so comfortable in her position.

"Why are you so extra clingy?" I inquired.

"I don't want you to leave me, and I want you to always stay with me." She answered.

"I'm not going to leave you, and I will stay with you always."

"But?" She asked, already knowing that there is a but in my sentence.

"But I have to go to work. We need to fulfill our responsibilities first, then we can cuddle at home later. We are in a working place right now, so we need to act like professionals."

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