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At this moment, we are at the orphanage, and we kept hugging each other while we watched the kids running around and playing.

I looked at Lili, and I couldn't believe she'd been through all of that, but she was still fighting and trying to live her life normally.

"Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" She asked me.

"No, I just can't help but admire you." She smiled at me, then she kissed my temple.

"Look at them. They are so carefree." She pointed at the kids.

I just stared at her for a while, then she faced me, and I stole a kiss on her lips.

"Should we go home now? Grandpa, Dad, Mom, and Jisoo-unnie are waiting for us at home." She nodded, then fixed her clothes, and we walked hand in hand.

We rode a taxi since we walked here to the orphanage. It was pretty far, but since she had a lot of things on her mind, she didn't feel any tiredness, even though I'm worried about her.

When we arrive at the Mansion, instead of being welcomed by maids and butlers, my parents, Grandpa, and friends welcome us with big hugs; even Bambam is here.

No one spoke; we just went to the living room.

We sat in silence, and it is kind of awkward because we are always noisy when we are together, but now it is quiet.

"I'm fine." Lili broke the silence, and they all sighed in relief.

It looks like all the people rushed here since they were still wearing work attire.

Lili shared her traumatic past with them, and I just comforted her and stayed by her side while she shared her story. She didn't shed any tears anymore; she looked more comfortable sharing her past now.

They got mad at her biological father, but Lili assured them that she was fine.

No one could believe she had experienced all of that. They hugged her one by one, even tearing up at her story, but Bambam, Rosie, and Seulgi sobbed, which caused Lili to laugh a bit.

"Do you want him to get arrested for the things he did?" Grandpa asked, and she immediately shook her head.

"He can't do that to me anymore; he can't hurt me now. It's fine; let the karma punish him." Lili told them.

Lili is still kind, even though she receives that kind of treatment.

"Just tell us if he hurt or threatened you. We will torture and kill him." My dad clenched his jaw, looking so mad.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'll be fine."

"Everyone, I want you all to take a rest now, then tomorrow pack your things." Mom said, and we looked at her confused. "We are having a vacation in Hawaii. Bring your friends, or even your girlfriend, boyfriend, and fiancee."

"How about work?" Dad asked, then Mom glared at him.

"Leave it to someone who can be trusted. Rest now!" Mom said firmly, and we dashed to our respective rooms.

We are lying in bed facing the ceiling while holding each other's hands. It is still early, and we haven't eaten our dinner yet, but I know Mom wanted to let Lili rest first since she had a breakdown.

"You are all really worried about me." Lili stated.

"Yes, we are." I replied.

"Thank you."

"You are always welcome."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She faced me, and I did the same.

We keep staring at each other with a smile on our faces. She scooted closer to me, then hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I didn't regret choosing and loving you." She said this while looking directly into my eyes.

"You're mine, Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban."

"I'm only yours, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim."

I hugged her tightly, embracing her traumatic past and taking note of helping her forget about that.

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