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We are here at Kim's Mansion; they invited me here because they wanted to play chess

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We are here at Kim's Mansion; they invited me here because they wanted to play chess. Grand Kim and Dad were really eager to win against me, and the two of them even teamed up so they could beat me.

However, we've been playing for about 36 times, and they haven't won against me even once. They tried all their best, but to no avail; they can't win. I could still find a way to beat them despite losing a lot of pieces from the beginning of the game, making them believe that they could finally beat me.

"Jiyong, she is only nineteen years old, and you are her first chess opponent, but you can't beat her," Oldman said, sounding so disappointed at his own son.

"Dad, you didn't even win against her." Dad defended himself while watching my next move. I moved my bishop and then checkedmate.

"Checkmate," I said, as they sighed and massaged their scalps on the backrest.

"Dad, Grandpa, she is my Lili, and I want to spend time with her, but look what you two are doing. You are stealing her from me." Nini complained to them, and she glared at them.

"Nini, don't glare at your grandpa and dad." She suddenly smiled at them, making me think she is a bipolar person.

"Ruby Jane, did you already tell her?" Mom suddenly asked Nini.

"What is it, Mom?" I inquired, and she smiled at me.

"So, Ruby Jane, when are you planning to tell her?" Mom asked Nini again.

"I'm shy, Mom." Nini shyly put a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"Ohh, the little devil is shy." Dad and Jisooni said it in sync, then Nini glared at them, and they immediately mind their own business.

"Can you tell me what it is, Nini?" I asked her, and she sat beside me.

"Ahm...Lili, actually we have a business party and I need a companion."

"So, you want me to be your date tonight?" I continued her sentence, which surprised her.

"How did you know about that?"

"Jisooni asked me earlier if I was going to be your date at that business party."

"So, what is your answer?"

"Why is my Nini so shy? It's fine. I agreed with that. It will be my pleasure to be your date tonight. Also, I'm your girlfriend, so you don't need to be shy." I held her hands, and she showed me her gummy smile.

"Thank you, Lili; I am so lucky to have you." She pecked my lips, and I blushed.

"Yah! Don't steal a kiss from our innocent Lisa!" Jisooni objected.

"Why? She already told you that I am her girlfriend." Nini emphasized the word girlfriend.

"Even though you are her girlfriend, you are taking advantage of her." Jisooni argues with Nini.

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