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I went downstairs to drink some water; it was already late at night, but I was still finishing important paperwork

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I went downstairs to drink some water; it was already late at night, but I was still finishing important paperwork.

All of a sudden, I heard a noise in the dining hall, which caught my interest. I went to the dining hall, and then I saw the devil drinking different alcoholic drinks such as soju, beer, champagne, wine, and Japanese sake.

"Lili!! Huhuhu come back." She was crying herself out, and it was funny to watch. I took a video of her before I went in front of her.

"Yah! Jendeukie, why are you drinking and crying yourself out?" She looked at me, then smiled, but then suddenly cried again.

"L-lili, she's upset with me... huhu." She was drinking the bottle of soju without using a cup.

"Why? What did you do?" She suddenly grabbed my collar, which caught me off guard.

"I did this to V; I got jealous." Then she let go of my collar and held my face on both sides. She kissed my cheeks and forehead, which was disgusting because she smelled of alcohol. "I-i love you so much, J-isoo-unnie."

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too, but can you stop kissing and let go of my face?" She nodded like a kid, then she laughed, but soon she cried again.

"LILI!!!! Please come back!! I love you, Huhuhu. Forgive [hiccup] me." I prevented her from drinking again.

"Jen, stop drinking now. You are wasted." She brought out her phone, then put it to her ears.

"Hello, come here now; I'm waiting at the mansion. Hurry." She threw her phone at the table. "Lili... will be here in a minute, you bitch! G-get lost! [hiccup]."

"You devil, let's go to your room." I grabbed her arm to guide her, but she pushed me away.

"N-no, you flirt! I-im lo-yal... to Lili, I-i love her." Earlier, she just kissed me. Now she pushes me away.

Drunk Jennie is weird.

"Fine, I'm going to let you do what you want. I'm going to accompany you." I drink one shot of soju.

She kept drinking and drinking while crying, shouting, laughing, and hiccupping. I took some videos because it was so freaking funny. I can use them in the future.

She has now been knocked down, her head is buried beneath the table, and she appears to be in shambles.

I carried her to her room, and I managed to lift her while climbing the stairs. She kept mumbling Lisa's nickname and telling herself she was sorry and that she loved her. I changed her clothes first, and I left some Advil because I knew she would have an extreme hangover tomorrow.

I went back to my room and chose to sleep rather than continue my work. This has been such a long day. My cousin has just worn me out.


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