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It's been two weeks since the incident at the hotel and restaurant happened

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It's been two weeks since the incident at the hotel and restaurant happened. Leroy was at the prison and getting investigated so we could make sure he would rot in the prison for his whole life.

The Kim family helped us put him in his place. They are also getting along really well with my family. They like each other as in-laws, and they both support and are waiting for Nini and I's marriage.

My fever was already gone, and I'm back at my internship. At this moment, I'm on duty in the hospital with my best friend Seulgi.

"Listen up! There are seventeen patients on the way. Interns assist the doctors! They will arrive in three minutes!" Our sunbaenim shouted, then we prepared ourselves.

"What happened? Why are there a lot of patients today?" I asked Wendy-Unnie, the head nurse on duty today.

"There is a big car accident and a disaster." She answered, and suddenly I felt uneasy, which made me frown.

"Liz, what's wrong?" Seulgi noticed my uneasyness.

"I suddenly feel uneasy. I don't like what I'm feeling right now." She was looking at me worriedly, and she patted my shoulder.

"Shush, calm down. It will be fine. Don't worry." She comforted me, and I nodded.

"You two, do whatever you want, but make sure they will make it alive," Song Kang said, which made us chuckle since he knows that we will do the right thing. "I know the two of you are stubborn; help each other and stick with each other. So yeah, do whatever you want to save them."

"Just cover us if some doctors report us. We don't want to get suspended again." Seulgi replied to him.

"Of course, Mr. Park is already on your side, so you two are safe." He fixed his lab coat and wore gloves. "Here they come."

The emergency room automatic glass door opened. Some patients were on the stretcher, being pushed by some ambulance personnel and nurses.

Dr. Song, Seulgi, and I went outside to assist the next ambulance that would be arriving.

The last ambulance arrived, and it is parked right in front of us. The ambulance personnel opened the car door, and my whole body froze.

I can't hear or feel anything; it's as if my world has come to a halt.

My eyes widened. I want to do something, but my body won't cooperate. I can't believe that this would happen, especially when we thought everything was all right.

"N-nini." I uttered, and then I was snapped out in reality when Seulgi shook my body.

"Get out of it! It's not the right time to panic, Lali. Come on!" Seulgi brought me out of it, and she was worried about me.

"What happened to her?" I asked the ambulance personnel.

"She got shot in her left chest." He answered, as he put pressure where Nini got hit so the blood wouldn't come out instantly.

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