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As I slowly blinked her eyes open, the first thing I noticed was the empty space beside me in the king-size bed

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As I slowly blinked her eyes open, the first thing I noticed was the empty space beside me in the king-size bed. The warmth that Lalisa's presence usually brings was conspicuously absent.

A soft frown creased in my forehead as I wondered if Lalisa had slipped out early. I reached for my phone, my heart skipping a beat as I saw no new messages from Lalisa.

The room seemed to hold an unspoken question, and curiosity stirred within me. I couldn't help but wonder where Lalisa had gone and if she had gone home.

"Oh, Ruby Jane, good morning." Dad greeted me as soon as I entered the dining hall.

"Take a seat, Ruby Jane. I asked someone to make breakfast for us." Mom motioned for me to take a seat, which I did.

Grandpa, Jisoo, Irene, and Taehyung are here, but the young ones are not here, which is why the dining hall is a bit quiet.

"Where are the others?" Jisoo, Irene, Taehyung, and I said in unison.

My grandparents and parents looked at us confusedly since they knew that we were all together last night but didn't know that we went home first.

"Aren't they at your rooms?" Grandpa asked, and we shook our heads. "So, where are they? They didn't text or call us."

I checked my phone, and I saw missed calls from Lili, Seulgi, Rosie, and Jungkook. Also, I told the guard last night to do their own thing so they could enjoy themselves, which I think is a bad idea.

"They missed my call and texted." Jisoo showed her phone to us, and she has been trying to contact them, but instead of them answering, we hear the phone girl repeating the same sentence, which is annoying.

"Same here." Irene said, and Taehyung can't contact them as well.

"They said in their message that they were commuting, but why have they not arrived here?" I asked them, and they also did not know.

"Did they get lost?" Irene inquired.

This time, I felt very nervous for the young ones safety. They attract too much attention, so they shouldn't be left unattended.

"Shit! They are not familiar with this place." Taehyung panicked and tried to dial Jungkook's phone, but it could not be reached.

We dialed their numbers but couldn't reach them.

"Ottoke? They are not answering their phones." Irene tried to keep calling Seulgi.

"Let's trust them; they are with Lisa." Jisoo said, and we all looked at her. "Lisa is a smartass; they can't easily get lost."

"But they didn't answer their phones." Taehyung stated the obvious.

"They probably have a low battery or they don't have any signal. I believe they found a place to stay a night. Let's just trust them; they are no longer kids." Jisoo told us, which made us feel a bit better.

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