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"Lali, 302 is looking for you

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"Lali, 302 is looking for you." Seulgi leaned against the counter, looking so tired and a mess.

"Why do you look like a mess?" I asked her, and I snatched the chart of the patient in room 302.

"302 happened. She didn't want me to be her doctor. She kept asking and asking about you. Why don't you just handle her?"

"Nah, I have so much patience in my hands already. I will visit her and talk to her." She nodded, and I walked away.

I rode the elevator to the sixth floor, where I greeted some patients, visitors, and staff. I arrived on the sixth floor and immediately went to room 302.

I knocked first on the door before I went inside. I closed the door, and I saw Seulgi's number one problem patient.

"Good day!" she greeted me energetically.

"Yu Jimin-shii, why did you give my colleague a hard time?" I started checking up on her.

"It's Karina for you, Dr. Lisa. I don't want Dr. Seulgi to be my doctor. I want you to be my doctor, so just be my doctor." She whined, and I shook my head at her antics.

"Why do you want me to be your doctor?"

"You are good-looking, you are extremely handsome, and you look like a real-life Barbie doll." She said without even feeling a bit shy or embarrassed.

Nowadays, kids like good-looking people.

"Dr. Kang is also good-looking. She looks like a bear, oppa, and she is really handsome too." She pouted.

"I like bears, but I love Barbie dolls more, so I like you more than she." I looked at her.

"How old are you?"


"What grade are you in?"


"You should study well and get well. Dr. Kang will be your doctor no matter what, Karina. I have a lot of patients; that's why I can't be your doctor. It is my lunch break, yet I'm here checking on you." She looked suddenly sad.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Lisa, but you need to hurry and eat your lunch."

"Who is your doctor?" I tested her.

"Dr. Kang Seulgi, the girl who looks like a bear." She answered defeatedly.

"Good, I'll get going now." She nodded, and I patted her head.


I finished operating on a patient. I haven't eaten my lunch yet because it got delayed because of Karina, and then I got disturbed because of the operation.

I got out of the operating room wearing my scarves and crocs. I went to the nurse station to take a seat and rest. Nurse Wendy got me a subway sandwich, and I ate it.

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