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We are on our way to the hotel and restaurant that are owned by my stepdad

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We are on our way to the hotel and restaurant that are owned by my stepdad. Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Jisooni, Chaeyoung, and Nini are with me since we are having dinner with my biological mother and stepdad.

When we arrived at the hotel, a man in uniform quickly assisted us to a private room.

We went inside the room, and I saw my mom and stepdad standing up to welcome and show respect to the people who were with me.

The adults greeted each other formally, then we all took a seat. I'm sitting beside my mother, and Chaeyoung is on my other side while the Kim family is sitting across us.

"It was really nice to meet and see the Kims." my stepfather, Marco, said with so much enthusiasm in his voice.

"It is really nice to meet Lisa's parents, and we are really happy that you have already found each other." Mommy Kim sent me a smile, looking so happy for us.

Mom stood up from her seat and bowed at the Kim family. "Thank you very much for taking care of our Lisa."

Grand Kim shook his head. "We should be the ones who need to thank you because, because of her, our family became the normal one, and we have become much closer than before."

"Please all of you stop thanking each other. It might become the topic of the whole night." I said, and they chuckled because of that.

"May I ask Chittip about my daughter Jennie?" Mommy Kim asked my mother, which made all of Kim nervous, and the latter nodded in response. "What do you think of my daughter?"

"To be honest, I love Jennie to be with my daughter. I can see in her eyes that she really loves and cares for Lisa. So, I trust her, and I'm willing to have a daughter-in-law named Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." My mom answered honestly while looking at Nini fondly.

I noticed the Kims sighed in relief, and that made me chuckle internally.

"Why do you keep asking for our opinion about Jennie? Is there something wrong?" Mom's question caught them off guard.

"I will be honest with you and Marco since we will be a family soon, hopefully." Daddy Kim began, and he took a deep breath before continuing. "Our Jennie Ruby Jane Kim is cold-hearted, serious, intimidating, grumpy, bitchy, and she doesn't know what good manners are. We even had a nickname for her, which was 'Devil, Demon, and Lucifer' because of her personality."

"When Lisa appeared in the picture, everything changed. She became the total opposite of her personality, which made us very thankful for Lisa and happy. Lisa changed her and she turned our lives upside down. In the past, what was on our mind was always work. We forgot that we had a family. Our home was not a home; it was like a place where we slept and ate. But when she arrived at our house on the day she made a deal with us, that was the day that everything changed." He made eye contact with each one of us while smiling.

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