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I was quite sad about Lili not knowing what the real deal was between us

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I was quite sad about Lili not knowing what the real deal was between us. She only knew that she needed to try to fall in love with me, and she thought that with that kind of assurance, it would make me fine and happy, but I wasn't really fine and happy with that because I wanted something more to hold onto, like her being my girlfriend or something. I want to have a title or a label with her so I can have something to use against people who will try to steal her from me.

Lalisa really needs to learn about romantic relationships. I think I should buy her some books, magazines, journals, or even movie CDs' so she can learn.

Suddenly, Mina snapped me out of my thoughts, which made me go back to reality. She was looking at me worriedly, as if she knew that there was something bugging me.

"Yes?" I looked at her with one raised eyebrow.

"You are spacing out, and you are holding the file upside down." She pointed to the file that I was holding.

I immediately flipped the file and said, "Thank you, Mina."

"You are welcome, Ms. Kim." She flashed me a reassuring smile. "It's not that I want to intrude, but I think you're having a problem right now, Ms. Kim."

My ears perk up. "How did you know?"

"It is pretty obvious, Ms. Kim." She stated this, which made me curious.

"Really?" I clarified.

She nodded, "Yes, Ms. Kim. If you want, you can tell me, and I might be able to help you."

I shook my head and said, "No, it is fine."

"I will take my leave now." She turned around and was about to walk away and leave my office, but I called her. "What is it, Ms. Kim?"

I hesitated for a bit but still chose to go for it. "I want to ask you something."

"Sure, ask me." She encouraged me.

"What if your partner doesn't know your relationship label?" I genuinely asked.

"You mean that Ms. Manoban doesn't know what your relationship really is?" She easily picks up on what's on my mind.

Wow, she is pretty smart.

I nodded, "Yes."

She scratched her chin. "It was pretty hard, actually, but do you love each other?"

I love her, but she doesn't love me yet.

"I guess?" I answered, unsure.

"Is that a question or a statement? Actually, you sound unsure, Ms. Kim." She stated that, then let out a sigh. "I think it's a good idea to talk about your relationship or what you both want your relationship to be with Ms. Manoban."

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