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"Okay class let's go!" Our teacher, Mrs. Hoffman said.

It was currently 7 am and I was surrounded by a bunch of tired classmates.

The entire 12th grade was taking a trip to Disneyland for our end of the year trip.

I finished arranging my stuff with my best friend Riley.

"Let's sit together." She said, zipping her suitcase.

I nodded. If I had to sit by someone for 12 straight hours, it would be her.

Our other friends, Farkle and Lucas came over and we headed out to the bus.

Before we got on the bus, mrs Hoffman spoke to us. "We have assigned seating arrangements!!"

Everybody groaned and I looked at Riley.

"Are you kidding me?" Riley said.

I sighed, shoving my hands into my pockets.

We waited to hear our names called and Riley got paired up with missy Bradford to sit by.

She looked back at us while she started boarding the bus.

We all waved and I put my hand down.

Poor Riley. Not only was missy not Riley's friend, she's her enemy.

Almost everybody had got on the bus and a few people were left.

"Maya hart and Lucas Friar." Mrs Hoffman said, reading her list.

I exchanged looks with Lucas and picked up my suitcase.

Thank god it wasn't a stranger.

We put our suitcases in a storage area on the bus and sat down.

Lucas sat down next to me and I looked out the window.

"You ready for 12 hours next to me, hart?" Lucas said, with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't count on it cowboy."

We were both silent and I looked out the window as we started moving.

Lucas and I were pretty good friends, nothing more nothing less.

Riley used to like Lucas back in middle school but now she's dating Farkle.

Riley says that Lucas wanted to ask me out earlier this year but he never did.

I guess he wants to stay just friends.

I plugged in my headphones to my phone and started listening to some music.


The first half of the trip went by very slow.

I'm not the biggest fan of long car trips.

It was 1 pm and we were almost halfway to Cali.

We took a break and went to a rest stop, to eat lunch and what not.

I stretched my legs as I got off, since I was sitting for like five hours.

I found Riley and Farkle who were sitting at a picnic table.

"Sup." I said, walking over to them.

Riley took a bite into a sandwich. "I'm upset."

I just laughed at her. "I'm sorry you got stuck with headband girl."

"Headband girl?" Lucas said, coming up to us.

"Missy." Farkle said.

"Oh." That's all Lucas said.

Lucaya OneShots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin