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Lucas's POV
I was getting ready for my middle school graduation.

It was a bittersweet day, not as sad as a high school graduation would be.

But it was still sad.

I had a good two years at that school with all my friends.

School was already over for the school year and one of the worst parts was that one of my best friends was moving.

Maya Hart.

My mom was about to take me to the school when I remembered something.

I went back to my room, grabbing a small gift.

You have no idea how long I've had this gift. I think 8 months?

I just haven't found the right time to give it to them.

We went out the door and into a cab, since that was the fastest way to get there.

I was remembering all the good memories I had with Riley, Farkle and Maya in middle school.

Will it ever be like that again?

Maya was moving schools. She told us last week and it was hard to believe it.

She was moving to a town that was like an hour away from here.

But why? What was the point of doing that?

I guess her mom's job....

As soon as we reached the school, we got out and started to walk in.

There were already signs up and a sign pointing to the cafeteria, where the graduation was being held.

The students sat on one side, family members and anyone else on the other side.

I found Riley and Farkle sitting next to each other and sat in a seat.

"Why is the graduation in the cafeteria? Out of all places?" Riley said.

They both greeted me as I sat down and I asked, "is Maya here?"

Riley shook her head. "Not yet."

Riley was still upset that her best friend wasn't going to the same high school as her. I couldn't blame her at all.

Mr Matthews, who was our history teacher for the last two years, was standing in the front.

He must've been in one of the people in charge of the graduation.

I saw someone sit beside me and I looked over. It was Maya.

"Hi guys." She said.

Before anyone could answer her, a microphone went off.

"Good evening everyone." Mr Matthews said. "Today we are here for the class of 2016, middle school graduates.

Everybody clapped and that had me thinking.

We would all graduate high school in 2020. That's crazy.

As mr Matthews went on and on about the students, I couldn't help but think of Maya.

What am I saying...she's all I've been thinking about for the past week.

"I've been the history teacher here for two years, seeing all these students grow and get prepared for high school." Mr Matthews said.

He looked in our direction. "Now Riley don't be surprised if im your history teacher for the next four years!"

We all looked at Riley and she had a fake smile. "Oh yay!"

After he had finished talking, it was time for each student to go up and get a paper, saying that they had graduated john Quincy middle school.

There was not going to be any speeches or anything.

I'm kind of happy because I'm horrible at making speeches.

I knew I would be one of the first to go up since my last name started with a F.

I watched as each student went up and got their papers.

"Lucas friar." I heard my name be called.

I walked up as people clapped and I took the paper from mr Matthews.

Before I could walk away, he stopped me. "I forgive you for having a crush on my daughter."

I blinked. "what? We are just friends."

But I know in 7th grade mr Matthews definitely didn't like that idea.

"Oh I know. I've known you all for two years, I see. Feelings can change."

I walked away, going back to my friends.

I don't know what that means but okay.

Once the graduation was over, I felt the little gift in my pocket.

Now was the perfect time to give it to her.

I watched as people were filing out the door.

My mom was talking to mr Matthews in the hallway, but I stayed in the cafeteria.

"Hey." I said, watching as she held the paper in her hand.

"Hi Lucas. So that was...nice." Maya said.

I nodded. "I can't believe you're moving."

Maya sighed. "I can't either. I really want to stay."

We were both silent when I said, "you know one of the best memories of middle school?"


"When we visited Texas earlier this year."

Maya nodded. I automatically knew what she was thinking. "That was"

I reached into my pocket, taking the gift out. "I kind of wanted to give you this when we came back but...I forgot."

She took it, looking at the box. "Thank you."

"Are you going to open it?" I asked.

"Not now. But I definitely will later."

Before anything else could happen, she leaned up to my height and kissed me.

And that was the last time I heard from maya hart.

It's been two years since and i haven't heard from her.

I know some people probably think that's is.

But I still have the same feelings for her now then I did.

Lucaya OneShots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin