7k votes!!!

959 35 11

Hello guys!

So I'm currently in my biology class and these people next to me won't shut up omg

I'm just tuning people out by listening to music oopssss lol

Anyways, thanks for 7k votes!

Everytime people vote on my OneShots I get happy because people actually enjoy my sucky OneShots.


Anyways, I have two oneshot ideas that I want to write.

But I want you guys to choose which one I write first.

Planes- where Maya and Lucas's class goes on a trip and they have to ride a plane.
But something nobody knows is Maya is afraid of heights
And obviously, Lucas is next to her on the flight.

Yearbook- where I write a different version of girl meets yearbook.
I already did a oneshot on this but I have a different idea
But Maya and Lucas got nominated for best couple it's just a different plotline

Last but not least, I want to maybe write a oneshot about what Maya discovered about Riley and Lucas

You know how in the last episode she basically said Riley and Lucas are more like brother and sister. Yeah.

I don't have a title for that but it's just an idea.

Anyways, comment which one you think I should write first! ☺️

Lucaya OneShots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin