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I wrote something down next to the problem on the worksheet.

I finished only one problem, but it was a working progress.

I saw someone come up to me and read the paper.

"Good job Maya." He said.

I smiled slightly. "Thanks Lucas."

I started standing up when Lucas pulled me down.

"Ow Lucas." I say.

"Where are you going?" He pouted.

"I have to get home." I said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

I started climbing out the window. "I'll text you later."

He nodded and I reached the solid ground.

My house was just down the street.

The reason why I had my boyfriend tutor me is so I can get away from my dad.

Ever since my mom passed away, my dad became very abusive.

I looked at the time on my phone. 8:00. He should be asleep by now.

Nobody knows he abuses me though, not even Lucas.

I grabbed for my key and slowly opened the front door.

I walked in and looked in the kitchen.

Beer bottles. Everywhere.

Suddenly, I heard big footsteps come towards me and I gasped.

My dad stood in front of me. "Where the hell were you?!"

"I was at a friends house--"

"I said where the hell were you?"

"I just answered you.." I stuttered.

He grabbed for his belt and hit me on my arms.

The pain kicked in right away and I held my arms.

He put the belt down slowly. "Now go to your room!"

I ran up the stairs, out of the scene.

I went into the bathroom and found a wet washcloth.

My arms were bleeding from how hard the belt was.

I held the washcloths on my arms for about 10 minutes.

Suddenly, I heard noises from downstairs.

And two different voices talking.

I put the washcloths down even though I was still bleeding and ran down the stairs.

There stood my dad and.... Lucas holding my chemistry book.

"Who the hell are you?!" My dad yelled.

"Maya's boyfriend." Lucas said, trying to sound calm.

Oh no.... Why did he say that?

My dad suddenly held his hand in the air to punch him when I stepped in the way.

"dad. Please."

"You aren't allowed to date Maya!"

He grabbed for his belt but then suddenly stopped.

Lucas held onto my arm and I didn't say anything.

My dad blinked. "I think I gotta lay down."

He slowly walked over, almost tripping on things on the floor.

After about 30 seconds, he was asleep.

Lucas pulled on my arm and noticed the blood.

"Come to my house." He insisted.

I slowly walked out the front door and stood in the yard.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I don't know..." My voice trailed off.

"You can't live here Maya... It's not safe."

Words suddenly started spilling out of me. "I have to Lucas! I love my dad."

"How could you love your dad when he abuses you?"

I didn't say anything.

Lucas grabbed my hand and I let him lead me to his house.

We climbed through his bedroom window and he sat me on the bed.

"Wait here." He commanded.

I watched as he left and came back with some cloths.

He put it on my arms and I leaned back on the bed.

I finally said after moments of silence, "I'm breaking Lucas. I have no family that loves me anymore."

Lucas allowed himself to sit next to me.

"You might not." He started.

"Wow Lucas I feel so much better." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled slightly and continued. "You have Riley and Farkle and most importantly... Me."

I smiled a little. "That's true."

"And now that your under my watch... You'll always be safe."

I leaned my head on his shoulder, just thinking.

"I love you Lucas..." I said quietly.

I didn't think he heard me though.

"I love you too."

Lucaya OneShots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin