School Dance

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Lucas's POV:
I took a deep breath as I looked in Maya's direction.

She was laughing with her best friend Riley, throwing her head back.

Her laugh was so adorable. I just want to hug her and call her mine.

"Are you finally gonna ask Maya?" Farkle asked beside me.

"I think so."

"well then do it!" Farkle said.

"I don't know man what if--"

I felt a push on my back and I leaped forward. I stopped in front of Maya.

"U-uh hey Maya." I stuttered.

She turned around and smiled. "hey cowboy!"

I smiled at the nickname. I love when she calls me that.

"Can I ask y-you s-something?" I said, stuttering again.

"Sure what's up?" She said, fixing the backpack scrap on her shoulder.

"Well I just wanted to know---"

The bell rang.

"I gotta get to class tell me later okay?" I watched as Maya walked away with Riley, her hair bouncing as she walked.

One chance blown.

I came out of the history class, holding a piece of paper I don't remember getting.

I was too busy staring at Maya's hair the entire time... I mean what.

Luckily, history was the last class of the day. I headed out and saw Maya standing by her locker.

Nows my chance.

I walked over and casually leaned my hand on the locker. "Hey Maya."

Maya turned and smiled at me. "Hey Lucas!"

"do you have time for me to ask you that question now?"

"all the time in the world."

I took a deep breath. "Okay so--"

Suddenly, Riley came dashing over. "Maya!!! I have to babysit auggie again and I need your help!"

"But wait---" I started to say.

Too late. Maya was being dragged away by Riley. Maya mouthed 'sorry' to me and she disappeared.

I groaned. The worst thing is? The dance is tonight. I was too late.

-later that night-
Farkle dragged me to the dance, even though I really didn't want to go. Maya was probably with another guy, having loads of fun.

We entered the noisy gym, filled with colors and music.

"Farkle I don't wanna be here!" I whined like a little kid.

"Come on man! You don't wanna be known as the only guy in the 7th grade that didn't go to the dance."

"Like you were last year?"


I sighed and pushed past crowds of people. I sat down at a table and checked my phone.

I was so close to asking Maya. So close. But the universe always finds a way to ruin it for me.

Suddenly, a shadow came up in front of me. I looked up and saw... Maya.

She looked beautiful. She always does, but tonight just a tad more, with her hair curled and a little eye makeup. I admired every detail.

"Hey Lucas."

"Hey look beautiful." I spit out. Good going Lucas.

Maya's face turned a shade of red. "Thanks Lucas, you don't look too bad yourself."

Maya pulled up a chair and sat beside me. We sat in silence and watched couples dance and laugh along to the music.

The music slowed down. "Time to slow things down a bit..." A familiar voice said.

I looked in the dj spot and saw... Farkle??

"Grab that special lady..."

Maya then turned to me. "So you wanted to ask me something?"

I looked at Farkle and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Umm yeah..."

I stood up and took a small flower out of my pocket.

"Maya I know it's a little late but... Will you go to the dance with me?"

Maya stood up as well and smiled. "I would love to."

Sorry if this oneshot sucks 😩

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