Thanksgiving special

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I knocked on Riley's house, inhaling the smells from inside.

Mmmmm. I love thanksgiving!!

Riley answered the door and let me in, quickly rushing back to the kitchen.

"Happy turkey day!!!" Auggie exclaimed from the couch.

"Thanks bud. You too." I said patting his head.

I went into the kitchen to see mrs Matthews and Riley finishing up the food.

Mrs Matthews saw me and took off her gloves to hug me. "Hey Maya! Happy thanksgiving!!"

I hugged back. "you too. Thank you so much for letting me spend it with you guys."

She smiled and patted me on the back. "You are always welcome here."

I watched her set the table, one thing after another.

Riley sat down at the table with me and we started chatting about random things.

The doorbell rang. Wait was someone else coming??

Riley stood up to answer it. "Hey!!" She exclaimed.

I peeked over to see who it was.


Why are Farkle and Lucas here?

I mouthed to Riley as she headed back to me. 'You invited Lucas?'

'Yep. Don't be awkward' she mouthed back.

I raised my eyebrow. 'You should be talking to yourself'

'Shut up'

Riley thinks I have a crush on Lucas just because I call him cowboy... I don't get it??

"Hey Maya." Lucas said, approaching.

"Hey cowboy." I said.

He just shook his head and sat next to me, talking to Farkle and Riley.

"It's dinner time!!" Mrs Matthews said, taking a seat beside auggie and mr Matthews.

I picked up my fork when mrs Matthews stopped me. "Before we eat, let's go around the table and say what we are thankful for."

I set my fork down awkwardly and crossed my fingers.

"I'll go first... I'm thankful for all the people at this table." Mrs Matthews said, smiling at us.

"I'm thankful for the food at this table!!" Riley exclaimed, eyeing the turkey.

We all laughed in agreement,

"Lucas you are next." Riley said.

"Ummm..." I saw him glance over at me.

"I'm thankful for my friends. It wasn't easy coming here from Texas and a new school but you guys made it okay. I... Love you guys." He finished.

I felt chills go down my spine. Why was he looking at me the entire time??

When he caught me looking, he looked away glancing down at his food.

"Can we eat now?!" Auggie blurted out.

Mrs Matthews nodded. "Everybody dig in!!!"

I flopped onto my bed, landing on my back.

I was sooo full!!! Mrs Matthews pumpkin pie was amazing...

I yawned, feeling tired after all the eating.

I climbed into bed and turned off the lights.

I stared up at the ceiling, thoughts swirling through my head.

I then whispered:

"I'm thankful for you too Lucas."


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