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I walked into the computer lab, taking a seat at a place in the corner.

I was always the first one to class, so the room was empty at the moment.

People started coming in and I grabbed out all the materials I needed.

I'm not a very organized person so I usually couldn't find half my stuff.

I grabbed out a pencil and looked towards the door.

Oh shoot. He's in this class. Why him?

It was the first day back in the semester so I have a new elective, which is computers.

Lucky for me, my crush just walked into the room. Lucas friar.

I'm not totally boy crazy for him but I do have a slight crush on him.

Nobody knows except my best friend Riley.

I doubt he even knows I exist, to be honest. I hate that feeling.

Suddenly, I saw him coming my way and I started to get nervous.

He was approaching closer and closer when I saw there was an empty seat next to me.

"Anyone sitting here?" He asked me.

I tried looking away. He's talking to me, try to be cool.

"Ummm nope go ahead!" I said, a little too eagerly.


He smiled a little and sat next to me.

For a second, relief hit me. I thought he sat there because I was here.

But then the truth hit me. He was sitting next to his best friend Bryce.

I sighed and turned towards my computer, listening to the teachers directions.

The class went by and it felt like it never ended.

Having him next to me.... I'm too awkward. I can't do it.

After what seemed like forever, the bell rang and I stood up.

I rushed towards the door he stopped me.

"Hey." He said, putting his backpack on one shoulder.

I let out a small and quiet hi in return.

"Maya right?" He asked me.

I nodded, and decided to say something. "Lucas right?"

He looked a little surprised to see me basically mock him but then smiled. "How come I've never seen you around?"

I shrugged, not really knowing why. "Guess we didn't have any classes together."

I let out a big breath. So far so good for this conversation.

"What's your next class?" Lucas asked curiously.


"No way, I have that next too." He said, smiling that cautious smile of his.

I just nodded and smiled in return, just being polite.

"We should walk together." He said, holding the door for me.

I followed him, wordless down the hallway until we reached the English class.

We walked inside and the teacher was assigning seats.

"Maya hart and Lucas friar, over there." She said, pointing at two desks.

I couldn't help but blush when she said Maya hart and Lucas friar...

We walked over and class began shortly after.

After that class, the school day was over.

Lucas and I walked out around the same time since we sat together.

"Maybe I'll see you around...hart." He said, smiling at the nickname.

"Hart?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay. Bye.. Cowboy." I said.

And that was the start of their friendship.... Later romance.

Lucaya OneShots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin