New Years

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Maya and Riley arrived at the biggest party of the year: the New Year's Eve party.

They pushed past a ton of people, trying to get somewhere where it wasn't so crowded.

Maya and Riley were seniors in high school and weren't really into going to parties.

But their friend, Lucas friar got them into coming.

Maya watched as tons of kids were drinking and were drunk.

"I don't like this..." Maya said, turning towards Riley who was at the bar.

Maya watched as Riley talked to the guy behind the counter.

"What are you doing?" Maya said, surprised.

Riley turned towards Maya. "I'm trying to fit in!"

She recieved her drink and gulped down the first cup.

Maya sighed. Her friend was always the type who wanted to do what everyone else was doing.

Good thing they got a ride there and Maya knew how to drive.

Riley then came over to Maya, her words slurring rapidly. "Try some!" She yelled.

Maya blinked at the loudness of her voice. "Sorry I'm not drinking that."

Riley shrugged. "Suit yourself!"

She walked away to a different group of people.

Maya sat down on a chair until she caught sight of her friends, Farkle and Lucas.

"Hey." They said approaching her.

"Finally people I know." Maya said sighing of relief.

"Where's Riley?" Farkle asked.

"Somewhere getting drunk as hell." Maya said.

Lucas laughed. "Riley? I thought it would be the opposite between you two."

"Wow thanks." Maya said saracastically.

Lucas nudged her with his arm. "I'm joking. You know that."

Maya shrugged and Lucas sat in the chair next to her.

They lost sight of Farkle and it was three minutes until midnight.

"So have you ever had a midnight kiss?" Lucas asked Maya.

Maya shook her head. "No. I've never really had a first kiss either."

Lucas looked surprised "really?"

Maya nodded and said "unless you count having to kiss Farkle for a dare in 7th grade than nope."

Lucas laughed at the memory and didn't say anything else.

They sat there wordlessly until they heard someone yell.

"60 seconds until 2016!" A guy yelled loudly over the crowd.

A few guys started counting off from 60 and Maya stood up.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked, following her.

"To find Riley."

Maya pushed through the crowds with Lucas trailing behind her.

"10... 9!"

Maya couldn't find her but kept looking.


Maya groaned out loud. "Where is she?!"


Lucas caught up to Maya and made it to her side, trying to speak over the crowds.


"Don't worry Maya you'll find her!" Lucas said.


"But--" Maya started but got cut off.

The clock struck midnight and Lucas pressed his lips against Maya's.

Maya was shocked at first but then kissed back.

They slowly released the passionate kiss and just stared at each other.

The entire room erupted in cheers since it was midnight.

"Wow..." Maya said quietly.

Lucas breathed. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that..."

Maya smiled to herself. "I guess I can say I've had a New Years kiss now..."

Happy early New Years everyone!

I'm thankful for 2014 because that's when girl meets world was born 💜

Next oneshot will be in 2015!

Ooh and btw, I made a new account with _rileyyy16_ ! The account is called @girlmeetsfanfics. ☺️

It would be awesome if you followed it, we will be making stories together as well.

Vote and comment! 🎉


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