3 year anniversary

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Maya's POV:
I woke up with a smile on my face. Today is my 17th birthday!

I got out of bed and put one of my best outfits on.

I couldn't wait to see what my friends got me. Every year they always surprise me with something amazing.

And Lucas. Last year he got me a puppy for my 16th birthday. I smiled over at Lucy who was laying on my bed, looking at me wagging her tail.

Lucas and I have almost been going out for 3 years now. I don't think it is possible for me to find anyone better.

I picked up my five pound backpack and headed to torture also known as high school. Ugh.

If you have your birthday on a school day, you should get that day off.

Before I go to school, I stop by my best friends Riley's. I've done it since I met her in elementary school.

I made my way to the door and buzzed in. Normally I would hear Riley yell "come in!" But not today.

Today, mrs Matthews answered the door. "Hey Maya." She said giving me a warm smile.

"Hey mrs Matthews. Where's Riley?"

"Oh she didn't tell you?? She went to school early today for a project."

I frowned. She didn't tell me that..

"Oh ok. Guess I'll be heading there then."

"Alright. And happy birthday by the way!" She shouted from behind her shoulder.


I left the apartment building and got a cab to school.

-at school-
I entered the school building. The halls were empty. It was early. I looked around and saw Riley at her locker.

I walked up to her and said "hey Riley!"

She widened her eyes when she saw me and ran away.

What's going on?

I then spotted Farkle, my other friend. "Hey Farkle, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Riley's acting weird."

Farkle shrugged. "I don't know. But I got to go get ready for class. Bye!"

Class didn't start for an hour... And he didn't even wish me a happy birthday.

Had everyone forgotten my birthday? Is this what all this is?

I sighed and decided to put my books in my locker. I opened my locker and a little note fell out. I curiously picked it up and read it.

"Go to the library at 7:30 am for a surprise:"

I looked at the time. 7:29. I closed my locker and headed to the library.

I went through the entrance. It was pitch dark. "Hello..?" I said awkwardly.

Suddenly, the lights flicked on. "Surprise!!"

I looked around to see Riley, Farkle, Lucas and many more people.

"Oh my gosh!!" I exclaimed.

"Happy birthday!!" Riley and Farkle said, giving me a hug.

"Thank you!"

I was worried for nothing.

Lucas then approached me and looked me in the eyes. "Happy 3 year anniversary."

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"Three years ago today I asked you to be my girlfriend." He handed me a box and inside was a gold necklace that had "M" on it.

I smiled as Lucas put it around my neck.

I bent up and pressed my lips against his, feeling sparks every time we kiss.

This is all I could ask for on my birthday.


More Laya OneShots to come.


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