Stay With Me

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A/N thank you naja_21_ for the idea!! I enjoyed writing this one, hope u like it. ☺️

Maya's POV:
Hi, I'm Maya Hart and I am 21 years old. I graduated from pennbrook and now I work at my own art gallery (a/n same college from BMW)

I finished putting my last art piece on display. Probably one of my best.
I stood back and looked at it.

It was a picture of me... And a guy. Sitting on the beach with a nice picnic set up.

I sighed and turned away from the painting.

The bell rang, indicating that someone had entered.

"Hey Maya!" My quirky best friend said.

"Hey Riles." I said, while cleaning up the counter from paint.

Riley looked behind me and looked at my new masterpiece. Her face softened.

"Is that you and.."

"Please don't." I said, closing my eyes.

"Sorry..." Her voice trailed off.

I took a deep breath, trying to shake the past away.

I must've made Riley uncomfortable but she told me she had to leave "to make dinner.." When it's 10 in the morning.

I finished wiping up the counters and threw the wipes away.

The door jiggled and shut, which meant I had a customer.

I watched as a guy and a little girl walked around, looking at different paintings.

I sighed again. Lucas and I were supposed to get married and have kids.
I slapped myself on the arm. Stop thinking of him! He left you...

I decided to fiddle around with paint and paper and started to draw my random feelings.

Suddenly, someone behind me spoke "excuse me miss?"

I turned around alarmed by how familiar the voice sounded. I turned around and faced the guy with the little girl.

"Hi how can I help you?" I asked.

"I would like that painting right there." Lucas said, pointing to my most recent painting. Of... Me and Lucas... At the beach.

"Lucas?" I whispered.

"Maya...I missed you so much." His voice softened.

All the bad memories became swirling back into my head. "How'd you find me?"

"I've been looking for you for three years."

I crossed my arms "I was at pennbrook for the past four years. You should've of been too, but no!"

Lucas sighed. "Maya are you really still upset about that?"

I stared at him with disbelief. "Yes yes I am!"

Suddenly, the little girl beside Lucas spoke up. "Daddy who Is this?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Daddy?"

"It's not what it looks like..." Lucas started.

The girl started beaming. "Is this the girl you always talk about?! Mommy is that you?" She exclaimed.

I looked up at Lucas and bit my lip. I didn't want to lie to this innocent child!!

"Yes I'm your mommy." I said smiling at her.

Lucas smiled at me and it was impossible not to smile back.

"Okay Bonnie go look around me and mommy need to talk." He said, shooing her off.

Bonnie left, getting bored of our conversation.

"So you have a daughter." I said.

"Well yes, but I adopted her.. I was feeling lonely and depressed and I could never forgive myself for what I did to you...."

I cut him off by placing my lips against his. And oh it felt so good.

We released the kiss and just stared at each other.

"Oh how I missed those lips." Lucas said.

I smiled at him and held his chin up so we were locking eyes. "That was all the past. Let's just forget about it and focus on the future." I reached for his hands. "I wanna have kids with you. I want you in my life forever. Please stay with me... Because your all I need."

I love the song stay with me by Sam smith so much.

Anyways, sorry this oneshot is bad, I had a ton of homework and my mom made me do some community service and on top of all that I went to bed at like 2 am last night cause i was watching YouTube videos... Yeah. Lol.

Enough of that, keep commenting some topics that I could write based on! 💜

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