Student Helper

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Maya's POV:

I walked into the front office of my school, right as the first bell for class rang.

I was supposed to be in biology right now, but I got called up to the front office.

This wasn't a usual thing for me, I stay out of trouble as much as I can.

The lady at the front desk looked up and smiled at me, "hi Maya hart right?"

I nodded. "Yes"

"Go to mr Johnson's office, don't worry you're not in trouble." She said, pointing.

I smiled. "Well that's good, thanks."

Mr Johnson was the principal of John Quincy high school.

I never really talked to him since I said before I never come to the front office.

I walked in to see mr Johnson and a boy sitting in front of me.

"Sorry. Am I early?" I said.

Mr Johnson looked up. "Nope Maya, right on time. Take a seat."

I took a quick glance at the boy to see if I knew who he was.

"This is Lucas friar, he just started school here." Mr Johnson said.

I looked at him. "Hey Lucas."

He was pretty attractive, with his brown hair and eyes.

"He is a sophomore just like you." Mr Johnson said.

So...why am I here?

I was missing a pretty good biology lesson.

Just kidding, I might get good grades but I really don't care for biology.

I watched as mr Johnson handed Lucas a paper. "Here is your schedule, the reason why Maya is here is because you guys almost have the same schedule."

He looked at me, not saying anything. He actually hasn't said anything since I came in here.

"so Maya, can you show him around? It's okay if you are late to your first period. I let your teacher know." Mr Johnson said to me.

I stood up. "No problem."

"Thanks, have a good first day Lucas." Mr Johnson said, as we were heading out the door.

I went out the front office and into a building where the biology and history classes were held.

I decided to speak up. "So we have 1st period biology, ms Morris is pretty chill for the most part."

Lucas still didn't say anything. This was awkward...

I guess I couldn't blame him, he didn't know me or probably anyone at this school for the most part.

We went up the stairs and ms Morris's class was the first one on the right.

I opened the door and of course the moment I walk in the room is completely silent.

Whenever someone comes in late everybody looks at you and it's awkward.

"Hi ms Morris, I was at the front office." I said.

She nodded. "You're good. This must be Lucas?" She looked behind me.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Okay. You can sit by Maya in the back, it's the only seat open right now."

We went to the back and I sat down in my normal seat.

I looked in front of me to see I had nothing. No biology book.

"Oh my gosh I'm so stupid." I muttered.


I looked over to see Lucas looking at me. "Oh nothing..."

After a few minutes, the bell rang and I stood up.

I stood outside the classroom waiting for Lucas to come out.

"You ready for history?" I asked him.

"Sorry I have to go." He said, not really looking at me.

"Wait but I'm supposed to be helping you---"

I watched him disappear and I just stood there, not knowing what to do next.

Something was weird with this Lucas guy, I know I just met him but he isn't like...anyone I've really met.

I went downstairs to reach my locker, I still had to go to history.

My teacher gets pissed if we are late, even 0.5 seconds late.

I walked into school the next morning.

I was running a little late, I got up late today and was doing last minute homework.

I walked by my locker to see someone standing there.

"Lucas?" I said as I got there.

He looked up. "Oh hi."

"I haven't seen him since 1st period yesterday, he didn't show up to any classes."

"Where were you yesterday?" I asked suddenly.

Lucas shrugged. "I ditched."

He seemed so calm about that, like it was no big deal at all.

"You ditched? Why? How? Where?" I kept talking.

He stood up from leaning against my locker. "Calm down baby girl, something urgent happened. I had to get home to my family."


I tried to ignore the fact that he called me baby girl...

"So how'd you know my locker was here?"

Lucas banged on my locker and my locker opened. "Well your picture is in here."

My face turned red. "you can't just do that to people's lockers."

He laughed at me. "Sorry. Hey wanna show me around campus? I really could use someone right now. That's why I was here."

I nodded. "Um sure!"

We started walking down the hallway. "I mean you're kinda stuck with me, we have the same schedule."

Lucaya OneShots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin