Happy Anniversary To Me!

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Mama Woods sat perfectly still. It was evident she was completely dumbfounded at what she just heard...

Mrs. Crowder finally sat down in her chair, satisfied with her telling of the story. And that she finally got "her truth" out in the open... But the distant look in Mama Woods eyes, Maple seemed stunned and confused herself. But nonetheless, she just knew something was missing from Mrs. Crowder's story. Or so she desperately hoped...

"Mumma? You just gonna let her talk to you like that? And about Grandma and Grandpa Hastings?" Maple said breaking the silence.

"There ain't nuthin to say." Mrs. Crowder said nibbling on the crusted bread.

"There's plenty to say!" Maple fussed! "Mumma... say somethin!"

But Mama Woods said not a word...

"See that child? Yo mama is speechless. But I'm not!" she fussed. "In fact, I'm gone do what I said I was gonna do. I'm gonna call the sheriff!" She said getting up from her chair and walking towards her bar to get the phone. "Prepare yo self child! Yo mama gonna be behind bars before Cleava can even get home for his warm supper!" She cunningly laughed as she started to dial. "Yes ma'am! You just wait till I get a hold of sheriff Ronsten!"

"Put the phone down, Mrs. Crowder!" Mama Woods finally spoke.

But Mrs. Crowder kept on dialing...

"I said... put... the.. phone... down..." Mama Woods demanded.

Mrs. Crowder looked up from the phone. Just then, there was something that made her stop. The look in Mama Woods eyes, that petrified her something so.

"Naw don't you be threatening me, Mrs. Woods!" She said slamming the receiver. "Sides I got a witness if you try somethin! Yo daughter!"  She said nervously pointing to Maple.

"I can't say I see nuthin." Maple smirked. "Nuthin at all."

Mrs. Crowder gulped...

"See! This is exactly why I didn't want to let you two leeches in my house!" Mrs. Crowder cried.

"Oh hush up all that Mrs. Crowder!" Mama Woods hissed. "Naw I heard your part of the story! It's high time for you to hear mine! Then we'll see who's callin the sheriff!"

"I already told you the truth!"

"No... you told whut I know is an outright lie!" Mama Woods bickered! "Cuz I know there ain't no way my daddy coulda eva loved somebody like you! And my mama..."

"Yo mama is the cause of it all!"

"Mrs. Crowder... I am doin my best, not to follow in the footsteps of my daughter and yank that crooked wig off your shinin head... But I swear... if you say one more word about my daddy and mama for that matter...I'm gonna lose all my inhibitions... and whut my daughter did to you, will be nuthin in comparison, by the time I'm done with you, myself!"

Mrs. Crowder nearly peed her pants....

"Naw do us all a favor, close yo yap and sit down!"

"Well..." Mrs. Crowder said hugging the phone. "How dare you speak to your elder like that? I see where yo wild child gets it!"

"Mrs. Crowder... I'm warning you..."

But just before Mama Woods could even get her side of the story out... a sound was suddenly heard from behind the closed door in the living room. Silence filled the room. All eyes were set on what was lurking behind that door. They all knew no one could get on Mrs. Crowder's property without access. Unless they came in the way Mama Woods and Maple did that is. So it was even more unnerving as to who, or what stood behind that door. Especially since Mrs. Crowder was not expecting anymore company for that day. For a second, Maple even imagined it was Mr. Crowder coming up from the grave to defend his beloved wife.

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