The Next Day

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That night... no one really slept or ate supper. Maple returning to her room a second time, refused to open her door for the rest the night. She tossed and turned with anxiety of the secret she found out surrounding her treasured Brooch. Worse trying to tell her mama why and what happened that upsetting afternoon. Could she? Would she ever?

Then there was Mrs. Woods, whom  was too upset to cook supper. Especially after the groceries had been spoiled from sitting in a hot car that summer afternoon. Moreover she was still perplexed at what perturbed her sweet girl... What could make her daughter so sore like that?

Meanwhile, Mr. Woods, simply didn't eat... not because there was nothing to eat... but he really didn't know how to cook on his own... a proper meal that is... So his growling stomach kept him up aching and tossing till the sun arose again...

Awaking from a restless night, Mrs. Woods quietly crept into the kitchen to scrounge something up for her husband and child before morning service...

She had hoped, by then her daughter, had calmed down and was ready to talk... But to her dismay...
Young Maple had already snuck out for the day...
What's worse is she skipped Sunday service... And that just left Mama Woods now more infuriated than ever...

In the heat of passion... Mama Woods hastily threw the hot breakfast in the trash... Just then a yawning Mr. Woods, came into the kitchen... Holding the morning paper, He smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek...

"Mmm.. that smells good! What's for breakfast honey?"

"Nuthin!" Mrs. Woods quickly interjected leaving Mr. Woods once again all alone in the kitchen...

"Nuthin... smells good..." He pouted looking at what was supposed to be his breakfast in the trash heap...
For a moment he whimpered as his stomach growled even louder...

Later on that morning, while Mr. And Mrs. Woods prepared for Sunday service to listen to a long winded Reverend Mosay, young Maple Woods, with the apple crumb brooch stashed away in her pocket, took her bike and road out to the next town... She needed help... And there was only one other person she could trust and rely on...

                   A STOP BY THE WELL
Taking a break and a bit winded from her what seemed like a long journey, Maple decided to get a drink just before reaching town.. Sitting at a well, she cooled herself by fanning with her hand... She placed her long curls in a twist.. Finally she took a sip.. feeling temporarily relieved, she closed her eyes from the beating sun...

"Whatcha doin?" A voice suddenly spoke..

Maple nearly fell over in the well... It was a young man... He looked to be maybe a year or two older than her. He was standing under the cool of the tree. Maple hadn't noticed him. And had he been there the whole time? Watching her?"

"Well... whatcha doin gal?" He asked again...

"Whuts it look like I'm doin?" A nervous Maple replied... "I'm getting a drank."

"Well I kin see that..." The young man chuckled. Suddenly he stepped forward...

Maple quickly backed away...

"Ain't chu posed to be in church gal?" He smirked..

"Well... I could ask you the same." Maple replied.

"That's fair..." The young man said.. "But how you know I wasn't and you didn't disturb me and my time with the Loard?"

"How do I know yous wasn't? Cause you ain't in no buildin! That's hows I know!" Maple snidely replied...

"Now whoever said church was a buildin gal? Last I checked the Loard was and is everywhere... Shoo... I praise him anywhere and every way.."

"Touché..." Maple mumbled.. "Nonetheless, you should perhaps be with a congregation... or are yous just sneakin about.."

"Well ya know, like I said before, who says I ain't havin church? Besides perhaps my congregation is the wind, the birds, and this here ole happy tree, I like ta call Pearly! He smirked. "And who says you ain't gal!"

"Ain't whut?"

"Sneakin about... hmm?"

"Hmph! Never you mind..." Maple sassed. "Besides... I'm on my way...Good day..."

"Well how ya like that? Is that anyway to leave me?"


"A beautiful gal, like yo self... ya leavin me here and all alone... And with no name to call on ya!"

"Ya ain't alone... remember? It's you the Loard, the birds and all the happy trees. Oh this here well, I like to call... well..." Maple sassed. "And my name... is my name. Now if you'll excuse me..."

"Where ya goin?" The young man asked.

"Where you ain't!" Maple quickly replied. She grabbed her bike and quickly road off down the dirt road, leaving a smiling and very inquisitive young man behind...

What Maple didn't know that morning and soon would find out... is she would see that young man again... He was connected to her in a way  she had never know... Because their passing was indeed no coincidence... No coincidence at all...

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