Where Do I Start?

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"Mumma, why are you walking away?"

"Cuz I can!" Grandma Hastings fussed as she was now at the sink profusely washing her hands.

"Mumma we need to talk about this!" Mama Woods griped treading on her Mama's heels.

"Ain't nuthin to talk about Scarlet!" Grandma Hastings said edging past her daughter and into the dining room area.

She irritably fidgeted with the dishware as she began to place the setting on the table. You could hear her mumbling under her breath. But it was so low, not even Mama Woods could hear. Yet that didn't stop Scarlet from confronting her own mother.

"Mumma? Did you not read the letter?"

"You just saw me readin the dang thang, Scarlet Marie!" Grandma Hastings fussed.

"And you ain't said nuthin Mumma! Not one cotton pickin word!"

"Oh I said a wurd! You just couldn't hear which word I said!" Grandma Hastings ranted.

"Exactly Mumma! You said it to where my ears couldn't hear a darn thang."

"Mmm hmmm." Grandma Hastings murmured. "Watch as I'm about to do it again." She uttered walking around the dining room table.

"Daggonit Mumma!" Mama Woods said hitting the table. "Talk to me! Talk to us! We have a right to know!" Mumma Woods hissed.

"Naw don't you sass me young lady!" Grandma Hastings griped.

"I ain't sassin you, Mumma! But you ain't answering the question eitha!"

"And who says I have too? Especially with yo tone I don't gotta answer a cotton pickin thang! You maybe grown, but I'm still yo Mumma, child!"

Maple and Jeffy watched Grandma Hastings and Mama Woods now audibly scrapping. And neither one was backing down. Jeffy finally interceded as things seemed to escalate and were starting to heat up.

"Naw Mumma, Scar... calm down." Jeffy pleaded.

"I will not calm down Jeffy! We have a right to know!"

"You have a right to know whut Scarlet? Whut do you think you know? Cuz seems like you already had yo mind made up from the moment you pulled up into Everly!"

"I did not Mumma! I still don't have it made up! You won't tell me anythang to make it up!" Mama Woods fussed.

"Oh glory alive! I ain't got time for this!"Grandma Hastings scowled walking away from her son and daughter.

Grandma Hastings now put her focus on her grandchild. She headed back to the living room where a fidgety Maple stood watching her Mama and Grandma go at it.

"Maple! It's about time for suppa! Gone in the bathroom and wash up! Y'all been on that road for some time no doubt. And Lawd knows whuts on y'all's hands!"

"But Grandmama, Mumma's right... we need to talk. We need to know."

"You too?" Grandma Hastings deeply sighed annoyed.

"Yes ma'am. Me too Grandmama." Maple calmly said.

Maple respectfully walked up to her Grandma. Delicately, she placed the brooch in her Grandma's hands.

It had been a good long minute since Grandma Hastings saw that precious brooch. And just like that all the memories of it, came rushing back. In that moment Grandma Hastings finally conceded.

"Seems I don't have a choice. It's three against one." She said gazing into her sweet grand daughter's eyes.  "Well alright. I'm here." She said turning around gazing at her children. "What do you want to know?"

"All of it." Mama Woods spoke.

"Fine. But not till after suppa. At least by then, I can wrap my mind around this."

They all agreed...
Sitting to the table they did as Grandma Hastings requested. They said grace and began to eat super. It was the first time that Mama Woods and Jeffy could ever recall seeing their mama not utter one word. Not even a syllable. She was speechless at the table as they all ate in silence. And that peeked their curiosity even more...

When they finished eating, Grandma Hastings got up to collect their plates. She finally gave utterance...

"I better fix this here plate for Fred." She said. "I kin just hear his stomach all the way in Ponchas Row... In fact I better fix him five! Seeing as y'all had a good suppa and all. Lawd knows whut he's pickin at." She said walking into the kitchen. "You know that man can't cook to save his life!"

"You promised Mumma." Mama Woods uttered.

"I know I did... And I don't renege on my promises." She sighed cleaning up.

The sun had now set and evening was upon them. Annelle and Beth Anne, were still out of the house and on their dates... And Grandma Hastings couldn't have been more happy. She felt the less ears the better. And if they were going to find out, it was going to be later. Much... later...

"Okay... let's get this over with." Grandma Hastings said slicing her fresh out of the oven pie.

You could see the golden moon arise in Grandma Hastings backyard almost as if it was setting right there just for their eyes. And their eyes only as they sat in that cozy dining room area. On any other day, it would have been an enchanting evening. But the with the mood that was now set... And not even the radiant moon could enhance the now somber vibe...

"Are you ready to spill Mumma?" Mama Woods asked.

Mama Woods carefully placed the letter on the table as well as the brooch on top it.


"First things first... where, pray tell, did you get this?"

Jeffy answered... "From Tator Tot."

"Tator Whut?"

"Tator Tot, Mumma."

"You mind telling me what in tarnation is a Tator Tot?

"Mrs. Crowder's grandson, Mumma."

"Em. Figures." She said rolling her eyes. "Last time I checked uh Tator tot was uh food you set on the table for suppa. Glory almighty, she might as well have called him cheeseball or some em.Gonna name a child Tator Tot." Grandma Hastings mumbled

"Don't change the subject Mumma. I can see you hidin from the question?

"No I ain't hidin from the question Scarlet. I'm just hidin from the question.

"Mumma, that just whut I said."

"I know. And I know whut I said too. Look this isn't easy for me. I don't even know where to start."

"Why not at the beginning?"

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