Tator Tot's Return

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Before the long drive back home, Grandmama Hastings kept her word and made her son in law, Fred enough leftovers to last all week. Especially seeing how her daughter was still completely not her jovial self.

The time of the Crowder anniversary came and went. Oddly enough, Mrs. Crowder kept her word and stayed in silence. Better yet, she kept her distance from the Woods/Hastings family, like a cat to cold water. Course she was still set in her ways. And a time, still her crabby little, sherry drinkin self. But, for the time being she seemed in peace. And out of Mama Woods and Maple's hair.

Time seemed to go on. Life was once again appearing peaceful and tame in the little town of Ponchas Row Avenue. Even Mrs. Mavis cats seemed at peace by the old pear tree. Soon days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. Months into... well you get my jest. Before they knew it, nearly two summers had passed from the wild drama of that treasured brooch...

Mama Woods returned back to her blissful self, and her high society times. She was even spending more time with her feisty Mama Hastings every now and then. Fred was of course elated, cause his belly was full and his family was merry once again. Jeffy was still Jeffy. Still happy and single. Always on the run, banking more money each day in his entrepreneurial life... still dreaming. And still hiding from the ladies every third Sunday. But one was close on his tail. And maybe even catching his eye, here and there. Even Beth Anne and Annelle had found bliss temporarily returning back home. But not for long... seeing as they were now of age to be betrothed. In fact both girls were now engaged and at home planing their summer wedding to their sweethearts. None other than the two gents that Grandmama Hastings cleverly hooked them up with on one uneventful summer.

Then there was Maple.... Seemed she had now come into her looks. Nearing seventeen and three quarters. That chubby, brown eyed, sweet peach cheeked girl, was now, a young woman of beauty. Even her freckles seemed to align in just the right spots.

   Maple was now in her last year of school. She was just days from being a pure pledged graduate from Johnson Monroe High. And there was no doubt, she was turnin every other eye, of the boys of Johnson High. But Maple, being Maple, she was nothing like her sisters in that area. In fact, she was more at peace, just being home helping her sisters plan their double wedding. Let's not forget still lovin on that brooch. Yes folks, the brooch... she still had it and had no intentions of bringing it to light. For the sake of all. She didn't even dare religiously polish that brooch like she passionately used to. For the sake of all, she felt out of sight, out of mind was now her new mantra. Now hidden in a safe place that only she and Mama Woods knew. Maple was just fine with that. Course she did have her days where she gave it a little spit shine and a sweet peek. But not even her sisters or her daddy for that matter, ever seen her in that sewing room again. Or even with her precious brooch in sight. For all they knew, the brooch was now back with Mrs. Crowder. And Maple intended to keep it that way for as long as she could. If not forever... Forever being when Mrs. Crowder croaked in Maple's minds eye that is...

Everyone seemed at peace. Everyone... Except for one...

      Underneath The Sweet Cherry Tree

It was what some people call a lazy day, in Ponchas Row. Even in Orange Haven. The sun seemed to be beatin down some 'em fierce that day. All seemed to be sizzlin like a cracked egg on a sidewalk. But Jeffy wasn't about to be fried not another second.
     Packing up a basket full of beers and some sandwiches to boot, Jeffy escaped Orange Haven and found his way, back to Ponchas Row. Feeling content, and carefree he lay out underneath his favorite, sweet cherry tree by Tonka Lake. Seemed Jeffy did as he always did on a Wednesday in Ponchas Row, he practically snored the day away. He loved nothing more than to be alone in his dinghy and in his solitude and away from the outside world. But like always, someone always found him...

"Heeeeeey! Well if I don't be a cat on a hot tin roof! As I live and breathe! Why if it isn't the man, himself! Jeffy Hastings!" A voice is suddenly heard.

"Nooooo..." Jeffy lowly groaned at the sound of the voice. "Oh Why me Lawd? Why me?" He whined not daring once to look up.

"Thought, I'd take a chance and return to the original scandalous scene and find you here. Boy was I right! Yes suh!" The voice chuckled.

Reluctantly Jeffy budged. Lifting his cap off his face Jeffy, straightened his spectacles and slowly and grudgingly looked up. Just as quickly as he looked up, he looked back down again, placing his cap snug back on his face. Not only blocking the sun, but now from the figure that stood before him.

"Jeffy, Jeffy! Sounds like the creamy peanut butter. I prefer the Pan, myself. But to each his own." The voice cackled. "Say? Am I disturbin yo peace?"

Jeffy said not a word....

"Hey!" The voice said kicking at the heels of Jeffy's worn down work boots. "I'm talking to ya! It is Jeffy isn't it? That's what they call you round here?"

In an exasperated sigh Jeffy finally replied..

"What do you wan Okra?"

"Ha! Okra! That's a good one! Guess I deserved that. But as you know or must've forgot, it's Tot! Tator Tot!"

"Course kid. Can't say I care, one way or the other!"

"Naw is that anyway to greet a fellow foe that helped yo family outta of a sticky situation? Sides, last I checked, cuz of us... Moreover, me and my clever ideas, ain't no wigs flyin or women scrappin, hoot hollerin round here. Heck! Least you kin do is give me, a second of yo precious time."

Jeffy deeply sighed. Sitting straight up her stared deep into Tator's eyes. Tator Tot coyly grinned.

"You dreamin about a woman?" Tator Tot winked. Speakin of... why are you out here alone? Sides I heard you picked a lady or two. Moreova, they picked you__"

"Whattaya wont kid?"

"Well first of all, with all do respect, seeing as I'll be nineteen in a couple Sundays, can't say you kin call me a kid no more."

"Well la dee da. And ain't that special! Look kid... uh Tator... as you can see, I was just in a little dream... enjoyin my peace... Naw if you done mind__"

"See I do mind Jeffy__"

"Course..." Jeffy sighed sluggishly coming to his feet. "Guess it's one of them days." He lowly mumbled.

"Didn't catch that Jeffy."

"And you ain't gonna." Jeffy groaned. "And while we're at it, it's Jeffrey to you. More better, Mr. Hastings. So out with it! Get on with what you want and git! Cuz from what I recall, last time we talked if I ain't mistaken, we made a deal, not to talk. Eva again..."

"Yes suh. I recall." Tator Tot nodded in agreement.

"Then mind tellin me, why on God's green earth, you are reneging on our agreement?"

"Cuz of one thang..."

"Oh yeah? Whut? Whut more could you possibly wont? And from me from that matter!"

"Like I said, I only want thang..."

"And that is..."

"Why nuthin...Sept Maple..." Tator Tot widely grinned.

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