Another Skunk In The Box

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Maple nearly pricked her finger while sewing those plastic flowers together. In that instant, her Uncle Jeffy had made her mind wild with wonder. And the weather wasn't helping none. The sky seemed to change with her mood as the gray clouds came rushing in. But Maple didn't have time to worry about that. She now more worried to what her Uncle Jeffy had to say...

"Landsakes Uncle Jeffy! You done did it! You done put my stomach in a twist!" Maple fussed.

"Look Maple, that last thang I wanna do is upset you. I know this week is important."

"Then why? Why couldn't you wait till the weekend? Better yet, after the weddin?"

"I didn't have a choice Maple..." Jeffy replied.

"Well then... out with it! Whut is it? Cuz I can't take anymore of this suspense." Maple fussed. "Wait! Wuz it the skunk?"

"The Wha_"

"The skunk in the box? The one in Fern Fishburn's tub just this Wednesday night? Well dang it alive! I knew that wouldn't stay buried long!" Maple griped. "Look that wasn't my idea!" Maple said defending herself before Jeffy could get another word in edgewise. "It wasn't me that lied to Mumma in the first place! It was Annelle! It was her cookie idea to sneak outta the high society social. I was just desperate to get away. And was just told to hold the box. I didn't know whut was in it! And thank the Lawd almighty, I didn't!" She cringed. "Moreover! I didn't know whut in heaven's name Annelle was up to and gone do for that matter. She just told me, Beth Anne and Josephine let's go for a drive. Next thang ya know we in front of Fern's house. How'd I to know she was gonna make us shimmy up that pergola with her? She made poor Josephine the lookout. She wickedly coerced us both into helping. Now that I think about it, maybe Beth Anne was in on it too! She didn't seem as flabbergasted as Josephine and I. That ain't the point. And how was I supposed to know her and Fern were still scrappin! Last I checked they had made peace! How wrong I was. And I didn't know bout that stankin skunk in the box, till I heard Fern hoot hollerin and runnin out her house and down the street like a wild lady on fire! You could smell the stank on her a mile away! Em! And Annelle said if we say a word she was gone tell Mumma it was my idea, cuz Mumma seen me holding that dumb box before the social officially began. Looks like she told you instead. That measly little rat! I'll fix her! So if you's come cuz Fern still repelling everythang in sight, then talk to yo otha niece. I'm innocent! I swear!"

"Uh huh..." Jeffy uttered.

For a moment Jeffy seemed speechless and didn't know what to say from what he had just learned.

"Well say some em Uncle Jeffy." Maple whispered lightly smacking her Uncle and looking round to see if any other burning ears were near. "You gone tell Mumma?"

"I... ummm.. uh... Pifft! Look Maple, that ain't my concern. Or it wasn't." Jeffy replied. For a second his mind was distracted still trying to process what he just heard. Quickly coming around he responded. "As I said it ain't my concern."

"Ain't yo concern? So you mean to tell me, you didn't know diddly squat about that skunk and I jest spilled the beans for nuthin?" Maple replied astounded.

"Emm hmm. Yup." Jeffy said fidgeting with his spectacles. "As curious as I am to hear more, I ain't got time for that. I'm actually here to talk about another skunk in the box!" Jeffy fussed.

"Another skunk? Annelle go on attack of somebody else?"

"No Maple, I ain't talkin bout that kind of skunk, honey."

"Landsakes alive! Then whut is it Uncle Jeffy? Whut could be more scandalous and have you on edge than that?"

"Why don't you take another guess Maple..."

"Nah suh! I already did that and I was wrong. I'm tying up this tongue of mine, before I say anythang else more incriminatin and spilling the beans! So you come clean! And hurry up foe Josephine and Leslie Anne come back from Leslie brushing her tongue or some em. Moreover Miss Wexler gets bored of her lovesick stalkin and spyin on Mr. Hoffman over there with her binoculars!" Maple said nervously gazing at Miss Wexler carelessly leaning on the edge of the wooden fence. Looked like Miss Millie was about to topple over any second now and land in poor, unsuspecting Mr. Hoffman's yard.


"Whut_" Maple deeply sighed.

"Look at me, honey..." Jeffy implored.

"I'm lookin..." Maple said putting her focus back on her Uncle Jeffy.

"How's that brooch lookin these days?"

"It's alright... why?"

"You still spit shinin that thang everyday?"

"Naw you know I ain't Uncle Jeffy...  so why you askin? What's this all about?"

"Well It's been bout two years of peace right? Jeffy uttered.

"Uh huh And?"

"Well maybe uh... maybe since you ain't uh gawkin at that thang on a day to day basis um..."

"Naw stop right there Uncle Jeffy... Jest cuz I ain't polishin that brooch every single day and having it out in the open for that matter, doesn't mean, that brooch ain't still my most prized, treasured possession. And I ain't gonna neva let anyone ever again get their hands on it. Nuh suh!"

"That's whut I was afraid of." Jeffy murmured.

"Whatchu talkin Uncle Jeffy? You done been in riddles since you got here. Why you brangin up my brooch for in the first place?"

"Maple, sweet baby niece, I'm just gone rip the bandaid off. You may after all lose that brooch honey."

"Whatchu talkin bout Uncle Jeffy? Didn't you just hear? I've got that brooch in safe keepin and I ain't gonna let no one snatch that outta my hands ever again! Not without them losin a limb! Sides last I checked, Mrs. Crowder ain't none the wiser! In fact, in her old crabby way, she's been kinda cordial with Mumma here lately. I mean I'm still on her list. But that ain't no matter! Just as long as she leaves Mumma alone and doesn't bring up my brooch all is good. So you see... ain't no way I can lose it."

"Wanna bet?" Jeffy mumbled.

"Uncle Jefffffffy! Lookie here__"

"Tator's back."

"Whut?" Maple said breathless and confused at her Uncle Jeffy's response.

"He came to see me, Maple."

"Uh huh, so?" Maple replied pretending not to really care. "Whuts that got to do with me and my brooch?"

"Everythang..." Jeffy uttered.

"I don't see why. Last I checked he's the one who helped you trick his grandma into takin that fake thang and wanted nothing to do with it."

"Apparently naw he does..."

"Whatchu mean now he does? Surely he ain't tryin to get my brooch back?" Maple fussed! "Whats he wont it foe? Money?" Maple hissed.


"Then whut? He just likes the drama and wants to cause more pain for our family? If that's the case lemme get my hands on him and I'll crush him myself! I'll make him forget that brooch ever even existed!" Maple scowled!

"You think you can?"

"Yes suh!" Maple hissed confident. "I'll blind him and give him amnesia! Make him forget he eva saw that daggone thang! Cuz I swear I can do that!" Maple fussed. "Just wait till I get my hands on him!"

"That's exactly whut he wants..." Jeffy divulged.

"Wants whut?"

"For yo hands to be on him... Maple honey, Tator don't want that brooch. At least not now."

"Then whats he wont?"

"You Maple. The boy wants you..."

Instantaneously the thunder roared!

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