A Stepping Stone Pt 1

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Court did not proceed that afternoon. Sheriff Rosenbaum was told to take Mrs. Woods back in custody as the bailiff seemed to have an allergic reaction to the lingering smell of mothballs and the plaintiff's garlic sandwich that still aromatized the court room. All knew what he had for lunch. Wouldn't know with that, all knew what the bailiff had as well...

So it was adjourned so they could air out the room. Seeing as it was their only court room. With that, Mrs. Woods kissed her family, all exception of Fred, goodbye as they returned to the jail...

Exhausted, they both skipped supper with the sheriff and immediately went to sleep, till the start of a new day...

The sun arouse and morning came...

Sitting at his desk, Sheriff Rosenbaum watched the loving couple, lay as if they were the only ones in the room. He could feel his heart going out to them as he whispered to his two deputies that remained with him on duty...

"I sure do miss sheriff Ronsten sometimes." Sheriff Barnes said thinking out loud. "I thank he took the easy road."

"He died!" Deputy Leigh interjected.

"Like I said. He took the easy road." He mumbled playin with his day old coffee.

"How's that sir? I mean I got to say it again, he's six feet unda and all."

"I mean Leigh, he took a one way trip to heaven that is. He's better off away from the clutches of Mrs. Crowder." He said looking at his deputy Leigh.

"Well I don't see how that is, the easy road seein as you still breathin and he ain't. Shouldn't speak of the dead like that sir."

"Lawd." Sheriff Rosenbaum grumbled. "Leigh, do you understand the undertones of sarcasm?"

"Why yes sir."

"So do you understand why I said whut I said?"

"Nah. Can't say as I do sir. I don't thank if Sheriff Ronsten was sittin here today too, he'd appreciate your thankin."

"Landsakes Deputy Leigh! I was bein sarcastic by the way. In an ironic way. Which I kin see jest went right over your head."

Deputy dotty abruptly snickered.

"I'm tired. And you ridin my last nerve son. Jest go make me some more coffee, Leigh." Sheriff Rosenbaum ordered. "And make it fresh and strong enough to wake the dead!" He said rolling his eyes.

"Well how's the dead gonna wake if they dead sir?"

"The coffee Leigh. Git!" The sheriff groaned.

"As you wish sir." Leigh said getting up.

"I tell you, That boy..." Sheriff Rosenbaum grumbled as Deputy Leigh went into the other room to make coffee.

Deputy Dotty did his best to hide his amusement of that conversation by trying to continue the conversation they way sheriff Rosenbaum was originally leading.

"I hear whut ya sayin sheriff. They sure are good folks and shouldn't be in this situation. But I can't see sheriff Ronsten doin any different than you, Harv."

"Oh he woulda done different alright." The sheriff said wiping the sweat from his brow. "He wouldn't have let Mrs. Crowder run a stake through his heart like she did mine. Heck you and I both know, Mrs. Woods shouldn't be in that cell rat there."

"Ain't much we kin do, Harv." Deputy Dotty uttered. "And don't be so hard on yourself. You were appointed sheriff so quickly after his passin. We all here know you were just bout gonna hit the road jest before his passin and retire. But we sure glad you ain't. Hate ta say it. If ya didn't take the reigns... the book woulda already been thrown at poor Mrs. Woods. And you know it."

"Perhaps." The sheriff said still not feeling good about the circumstances.

"Sides there's really only one difference between you and Sheriff Ronsten."

"Besides him entertainin an all you can eat buffet with Daniel and Moses, whuts that?"

"You weren't appointed by Mrs. Crowder. And why I do believe that jest chaps her hide." Deputy Dotty widely grinned.

"Good point." The sheriff smirked.

Just then, deputy Margret Prime pulled up outside. She stepped into tell sheriff Barnes, it was about time to take Mrs. Woods back to the court room...

"Lawd, help them folks." Sheriff Rosenbaum sighed saying a silent prayer. "Thank you, Margret." He said sending her back to her duties.

"I'll tend to them sir." Deputy Dotty said.

Getting up from the sheriff's desk, Deputy Dotty quietly tipped over the Woods as they lay in quiet slumber. Opening the cell her uttered...

"I hate to awaken you good folks. But it's bout time to head back."

"Thanks Al." Fred stretched. "Honey?" He said, caressing his wife's golden cheeks.

"I'm up." Mama Woods said sitting on the edge of the bunk.

"How did you sleep?" Fred said kissing his wife.

"I don't thank I did." Mama Woods yawned feeling exhausted. "Least not that much." She said leaning on his shoulder. "Especially after yesterday afternoon. I jest for the life of me could not remember that part of my life. I can't understand Fred. Why can't I remember?"

"Maybe you don't want to?"

"Umm.. hate to interrupt again." Deputy Dotty replied. But here's some clean clothes Maple brought by last eve for you both. And our own personal private shower is ready for you, Mrs. Woods."

"Thank you, Al."

"I know my wife's eggs aren't as good as your home cookin. But she's on  her way with some fresh bacon to boot. No sense in goin to trial on an empty stomach."

"Thank you again Al. Im sure it will be more than fine. " Mrs. Woods gently kissed his cheeks as he blushed.

"Well I made the coffee." Deputy Leigh said coming from around the corner."

"A kiss for you too, Bart." Mama Woods said walking over and kissing deputy Leigh's crimsoned cheek."

"Well since you givin out kisses." Sheriff Rosenbaum uttered.

"Oh well I'm sure my husband will gladly oblige you, Harv." Mama Woods jested. "Only kidding she said pecking his cheek. "Are there any more?" She said turning around.

The blushing men, grinned so wide and proud in Mama Woods direction as she closed the door to the shower room.

"Embrace them kisses boys." Fred suddenly uttered walking over to them. "That's all you gone get." He said taking sheriff Barnes freshly made coffee from his hands and proudly taking a sip. "That's my girl." He exulted staring them down.


All the men jumped startled from the sudden loud clamor of a crash in the shower where Mama Woods was. They raced to the room, but none faster than Fred. There she lay... in her glory. Mama Woods was knocked unconscious on that shower floor. Luckily Fred was able to cover her in her towel, before the sheriff and deputies could see her birthday suit. Nevertheless,that was the least of Fred's worries as he tried to awake his wife.

"Scarlet!" He nervously shouted repeatedly, while desperately trying to awaken her....

But folks, Scarlet wouldn't wake...

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