Scarlet's Silence

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My heart sank as I stared at the brooch. In all actuality, it was the first time, I had eva laid eyes on that trinket. As you know, it was taken from me, before the revealin. There was no denyin, it was unique and incredibly beautiful. I found myself in awe. Nevertheless, all those memories had came floodin back as if it were yesterday. Especially the pain in my husband's eyes when that brooch was first erroneously taken from Magnus..

How could some em so beautiful, and wonderfully created from love, be so heartbreakin?

You see that brooch had caused more affliction than I care to recall. In the view of the fact, I fear it had caused my child harm, just for its very possession. I found myself wantin nothin to do it! I refused it. Because of the continuous agony, it already had caused Julius, Matthew, and now my daughter. Not just that, but Matthew and I had come to terms with lettin it go. Matthew more than I. And I cannot lie when I say, there was part of me, that did want that brooch back. Not for me, but for that of my husband and his family to be redeemed. Still I hated the trouble it had already seemed to have caused my loves. With that, I can't say it was all the more why I didn't wont it. Sides, whut was I say to Matthew when he saw it and realized it was why his baby girl was layin in that back room? I did not know if he could handle that revelation. I started to hand back that brooch to Miss Lydia, but somethin stopped me."

"Whut wuz it?"

"Those words... those lovin words, yo granddaddy scratched on the back for me. "To my one and only love" Seein them words, why I just melted...Along with that, some em in Mrs. Lexington's eyes made me not want to refuse. I mean, it wuz after all that of my families... So how could I?"

I just remember sayin, "Whut about Magnus?"

MRS LEXINGTON: "I'll take care Magnus. I can assure you that. This is best...Please Olivia... it is what my husband wanted when he returned it back to Julius. And I know, it was never meant for Magnus. I always knew it was meant for you. So please, I implore you, do not reject it. For it is whut I so desperately desire as well..."

Right then and there, Matthew came rushin in that ladies room...

MATTHEW: "She's awake, Olivia! The doctor says She's awake!"

"The conversation had gone unfinished. But I didn't care! I just wanted to see my daughter!

Mrs. Lexington took Jeffrey from my arms as I raced back to the room where Scarlet lay... I just remember feelin overjoyed. But that joy... quickly faded."


"I gasped, stunned at her appearance. I saw the gash on her head. It was deep, but delicately sown. Her arm was broken, now wrapped in a cast. And we were told her ribs were severely bruised. My fragile child, looked a broken antique doll. The heartache I felt lookin at my precious baby just layin there. I felt beyond helpless. With what little strength I had left, I held back my tears. If only for her. The doctor even said, he couldn't believe she survived that fall.

But when I looked into yo Mumma's eyes... I wondered, did she really? She stared at me, in such a peculiar way. Her eyes were open, but she was not there... Like a body with no soul. And when we tried to talk to her, sadly she did not respond..."

"She just didn't talk?"

"Not for a very long a long time, I'm afraid. And I thought maybe it was cuz of her discomfort. Moreover, that darn brooch! Perhaps cuz she had awoke feelin guilt of knowin what she had done and felt that if and when we found out that we would be very disappointed in her. She just had no emotions whatsoever. The child, was mute. And for the life of me, I didn't know why. Her silence was far more terrible than Matthew and I could have ever fathomed.

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