The Missing Party of One

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Now folks, it's been a while since we left off. And I would love to tell you that when Andrew walked out of that door of the bridal suite, he took heed to what Haley had to say and walked out of Maple's life. And he walked out for good. Moreover, that Maple took her daddy's hand and marched, no danced, down that isle side by side with a joyously and blissfully demeanor to marry Tator with no doubts in her mind whatsoever to live a happily ever after... But who are we fooling? This is Maple Joelle we are talking about....

Fact is she didn't walk down that isle! Not at high noon! Even more unsettling, the church pianist, Mrs. Wizzlebum, played several times the opening to the wedding march, to cue Maple and Daddy Woods to appear. But there was nothing, nada, goose eggs! Nothing, but an awkward and long, engaging silence. And I can tell you right now at that point, an already anxious Tator, became even more anxious and now deeply unsettled. The nerves had more than taken over.

With that, Tator no longer stood patiently waiting for Maple to come. No sir! Why you would have thought he had ants in his pants, chasing the honey, as the wedding music continued to play like a broken record with no end. But his bride? Why his bride, appeared to be a no show.

Moreover, when those double doors opened to the back of the church as the music endlessly played and suddenly there was still no Maple... but to everyone's astonishment and without warning, it was Andrew Wellington the third instead... Glory alive! That's when the music stopped!

Oh shuga! I can tell you right now, Tator turned green as a sour pickle, behind the gills. Aint no doubt, with Tator's undeniable expression, of extreme displeasure, sudden shock and utter dismay, you would have thought the gates of hell opened up on that church! And like a dragon in heat, the flames blazed upon that congregation with instantaneous fury!

As if things couldn't have already been any more intolerable, it didn't fair to know there was no doubt, it was already bubbling over with the existence of a possibly hot boiled and very unpredictable, crabby Mrs. Crowder in the background just grumbling, and gnawing like a dog to shoe, on the groom's side! Especially since Maple was currently a no show. She had already told Maple, not only did she want to attend, but she and Tator, were not on the best terms. Not since the trial. And Tator, refusing to stare her way, gave no indication things were near a reckoning. So how could things not be even more extreme with what many thought to be the jilted ex boyfriend and intended groom now standing in the back of that nave? Landsakes, that crowded room sure did heat up quick and it was all due to the blazes of hells fire with Andrew's unexpected arrival.

On that sunnyThursday afternoon in the month of September, as the tick of the clock, suddenly strolled two minutes past high noon, there Andrew Wellington the third, stood in front of those double doors. He stood like a shadow cast upon an enchanted day hiding the sun from all to see, as the daggers from Tator's eyes darted for his uninvited presence. Ain't no doubt, you could cut the tension with a butter knife as the congregation stirred with wonder as he fully entered the room, let alone that particular wedding.

And Landsakes alive, hanging on his arm as his plus one was, if you can believe his first cousin... Miss Georgia Pine! Yessir, Georgia Pine, elegant and beautiful as always. But sadly that appeared to only skin deep. Oh were the lips churning and no doubt her ears burning. Oddly enough she seemed to relish in it as she glanced towards none other than Uncle Jeffy's way! Why the wink she gave in that awkward moment, and the eyes Cornelia Pumpkin returned? Em! All I can say is... em! Why I do declare that was the first time, many could say they saw Uncle Jeffy sweat like live a pot belly pig on a hot grill!

To make matters even more awkward and disconcerting, Andrew knew exactly what was dancing about in the minds of many that gawked in an extremely flabbergasted gaze. But he seemed to not mind it as much. In fact, to some, he appeared completely unfazed. Especially knowing what now was stirring in a pale face Tator's out of control, spinning mind.

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