Let The Festivities Begin

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Upon the hour as the sun finally set, making little minor adjustments, Maple now stood in her upstairs bedroom alone. She stared in the mirror at her perfectly fit costume giving herself a minor pep talk ...

"Alright Maple Joelle, You kin do this..." She lowly whispered to herself. "Tonight will be a grand night! You will enjoy yo self. And you will not night find yo self in any drama of any sort.. None!" She said pointing to herself. It was almost as if she warned and reprimanded herself all the while gazing at her image. "Okay..." she said turning away from the vanity mirror. "It's naw or neva. So here goes..." She said taking a deep breath in to stable the unwanted butterflies that danced in her belly.

Bouncing down the stairs, Maple heard a sudden commotion. And then she heard what sounded like breathless giggles in the background. And there it was. Her Mama and Daddy in a chase... going in circles, all the while spinning around their apricot sofa.

"Hmm emm!" Maple suddenly utters clearing her throat.

"Oh Maple!" Mama Woods laughed breathlessly. "We didn't see you there honey."

"Apparently not." Maple replied standing on the last step as her Mama openly blushed and Daddy Woods is caught still ogling at her mama. "Ummm yeah... Did I... interrupt some em? Cause I kin always go back upstairs..." she lowly murmured. "and put a paper bag over my head all the while bangin my head against the wall to erase whut I jest saw.."

"Come again?"

"Umm nothin Mumma. I was jest sayin if you two needs some moe time... alone... uh__"

"Oh no!" Mama Woods blushed. "See, yo daddy and I were just practicin for later?"

"Oh? Dare I ask? Never mind don't answer that."

"It's best I don't." Mama Woods replied.

"On that note, I thank, I should jest go check on grandmama..." Maple said trying to rush out of the awkward feeling room.

"Oh sugarplum don't go jest yet!" Her mama said halting her from leaving the room. "Sides I'm sho grandmama is doin jest fine. On top of that, you ain't said nothin..."


"Why do you not like our costumes?"

"Oh that!" Maple replied with a sigh of relief. "I do." Maple said smiling. "Daddy is uh absolute adorable alligator... but mama why, I see you are dressed umm uh well as well umm are you a spicy pirate of some sort?"

"Spicy indeed." Daddy Woods replied making sheep eyes at a crimson faced Mama Woods.



"Not just any pirate Maple! I'm the Captain Hook!" Mama Woods jovially replied taking off her stash and putting on her hook."

Maple laughed! "Good one!"

"Ya think?" Mama Woods asked.

"Course! You'll be the life of the ball! I'm just surprised you didn't choose Peter Pan and Wendy! Especially by the way you used to tell me, Beth Anne and Annelle, the story. I always thought you were more fancy to her."


"Oh she did honey. And I was happy to portray Peter Pan, but..."

"But yo daddy, does not look so lovely in tights."

"Ah!" Maple giggled at the thought.

"Yo mumma is rat. Although, it would have been fun comin home after the festivities and climbin into yo Mumma's win__"

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