Prepare Yourself

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"Prepare yoself." Grandmama Hastings said to a now more than curious Maple.

Whut you may have heard was partially true. But it was not anything, Maple thought she was really ready for. With that, Maple found herself more wide awake than ever..

"That woman that you saw Maple, she wasn't just any woman."

"Then who was she?"

"Someone who has helped me keep my secret hidden this whole time. Someone whom you might say has been protectin us. Maybe this entire time. Especially yo Mama."

A flabbergasted Maple listened as it was her grandmama's turn to speak up and confess...

"I honestly don't know how you kept up with those legs of yours." Grandmama laughed at the thought. "I'm sure saint Peter would have gladly met you at the gates if you hadn't made it..." Grandmama teased.

"Grandmama..." Maple sighed.

"Yes..." Grandmama deeply sighed as well. "Guess it's time for me to stop procrastinatin. If you must know, Early was the meetin place of agreement. At the time, I didn't know why. But I abided her wishes."

"Of all places, Grandmama, I don't understand that either."

"Well listen up and maybe in time you will." She said adjusting herself in the bed. "I don't know all you heard or didn't hear for that matter. But I'll give you the jest. That man, you saw all fancy and dolled up. He was just doin as he was told. It was for the best you see. Seeing as well, bein in a place like Early, well it wouldn't have been too wise to stop in a place like that with a fancy car like that. Especially us being two ladies on our own. And one servant to boot? Well that wouldn't have turned out well."

"So why didn't you just stay on that bridge?"

"And get run over?" Grandmama Hastings fussed. "Nah child. Sides we both needed the fresh air. And to prepare our thoughts. Seemed like years since I laid my eyes on her. But she decided to resurface. And she desired to see me... up close and personal. And when I got word, she wanted to see me. Especially after, you, your uncle and Mumma had came to see me, not that long before, well my nerves were shot to bits! But that meetin needed to be done."

             The Meeting

As you know it was probably a little half passed twelve, when we finally sat outside that cafe in Early on that spring afternoon. You know it's strange I even looked around to see if there was anybody I knew. I felt it silly at the time, seeing as nobody, I ever knew resided there, moreover stepped in such a town as Early. Being as it's the safest nor the loveliest place to be in. Nevertheless I guess I kinda felt yo presence near. But when we finally sat down to speak... time seemed to stand still...

"It's been a long time." The mysterious lady in black said to Grandmama Hastings.

"Yes. Seems like ages." Grandmama Hastings agreed.

"Can I get you anythang? Tea perhaps?"

"Yes... that'd be fine." A nervous Grandmama Hastings uttered.

The lady in black, instructed her man servant to get three teas. One for her, one for me, and for him to relax a bit of course. It was after all, a good walk we had just taken. Still I could feel myself fidgeting and my nerves on edge.

"Why, Olivia calm down, foe you make this old woman here start to fidget herself." The lady in black bantered.

"I'm sorry Miss Lydia. Just seems like it's been a long time since I seen you last."

"It's been a very long time." She laughed. And this ticker is still goin strong." She said smiling with gentle eyes. "Look I know this isn't easy for you."

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