Was It Ever About The Brooch?

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"Objection yo honor! My client is not the one on trial." Mr. Kransten argued.

"My point yo honor, is that this is not just about the brooch." The defense lawyer, Mr. Smarten voiced.

"Naw suh, it is not!" The plantiff lawyer agreed. "This here, is about the deceit of Mrs. Woods, connin my client!"

"There is no proof of Mrs. Woods deceivin Mrs. Crowder, yo honor. At this point it is all here say! In fact, I feel we should dismiss this case all together. Seein as this should not even be bout my client, Mrs. Woods, but in fact Mrs. Crowder, herself."

"Yo honor, this here is indeed about Mrs. Woods!" Mr. Kransten argued! "She, after all is the one who was in possession of the brooch, that is rightfully owned by Mrs. Crowder!"

"And who says it is rightfully hers?" Mr. Smarten debated! "It is one word against the otha! On top that yo honor, I feel there is injustice here on behalf of my client, on the basis of the bull hockey crap that the plaintiff is plainly spewin! Why naw? After all these years is she naw cryin wolf over Mrs. Woods? Why heck, if this here, were really bout the takin of the brooch in question, why didn't she raise hell excuse my language yo honor, when the dang thang was first supposedly taken from her so called possession?" Mr. Smarten declared. "From my recallin on of her own words, Mrs. Crowder lived foe years without havin the said item in her grasp. And foe years she said diddly squat! You gone tell me naw, she is livid as hen to an eagle comin after her own, that she is plumb ripe squabblin and distressed that she didn't get whut she wonted or thought she had? Nah suh! Why you heard jest like the rest of us, the brooch was clearly given back to the Hastings family as sake of a bonafide peace offerin!"

"Which wuz later returned to my client, herself as a bonafied love offerin!" Mr. Kransten boldly proclaimed!

"Love offerin?" Mr. Smarten said like he was about to hack up his morning breakfast.

"L. O. V. E. Love!" Mr. Kransten exhaled getting close in Mr. Smarten's face.

Mr. Smarten leaned in and sniffed.

"Why that, otha than yo breath Mr. Kransten," he uttered for a second holdin his breath and puttin his lip to his nose, responded.. "I'm sorry is jest as preposterous as a coon freely chewin jerky on uh electric wire!"

"Enough!" Judge Bloomfurd exasperated annoyed by both sides disagreements. He grumbled... "The trial, Mr. Smarten, as much as this is uh apparent fly on a crap to a wall, will proceed."

"Yes yo honor." Mr. Smarten disagreeably pouted.

Do you have any moe questions for the witness, Mr. Smarten?"

"Jest one yo honor."

"Make it quick. Cuz I'm ready to get this fart out and get a good long nap that is so overdue." The judge snarled.

"Yes suh yo honor." Mr. Smarten said leaning over and eyeballing Tator."

"Mr. Tatorsen?" Mr. Smarten deeply sighed. "The brooch, not the one in question per say, but the one that yo Nana found to be a downright a fraud.. understandably so, well son... could you please tell the court how she felt bout that brooch when she thought it was the real thang?"

"Indifferent." Tator said gazing at his vexed Nana."

"Could you be moe specific son? Did she care foe that brooch when you was residin at her residence?"

"Well Mr. Smarten, in all honesty, as much as she wanted that brooch back in her possession, which she had at the time, or so she thought. Well, she didn't really do anythang with it. But set it in a plate of glass." Tator responded. "And I take part blame for that suh."

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