The Inevitable Encounter...

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Well Maple left that estate feeling a tad foiled by Mrs. Crowder's stubborn ways. And it didn't help matters that Tator was just as stubborn... At least when it came to his Nana...

Nonetheless, Maple did her best not to think of Mrs. Crowder and let her ruin anymore of her day, as she went to meet her mama, grandma Hastings, Her future mother in law, the countess Anastasia, Cornelia, Josephine, Leslie Anne, aunt Goldie, her sisters, and of course Mrs. Millie Wexler to help prepare for her wedding...

But while Maple was doing that, Tator had a debt to settle of his own...

Pulling up on his motorcycle, Tator boldly sat at the steel residential entry gate that was locked down like a fortress. Worse than his Nana's estate. Sitting on his bike, he rang the bell...

Immediately when Tator's face was seen upon on the surveillance camera, a swarm of men, like bees in an ambushing hive, came charging down to that gate...

And in that rowdy bunch, that Uncle Jeffy liked to call the Richies, it included, Mo Thumper, the husband of Leslie Anne, Heathcliff, the baby brother of Sarah Cartwright, Audrey Melrose two cousins, Monroe, and Ellsworth Tanner. And who could forget Andrew's close in age, first cousin Brantley Wesington Pine. None other than, Georgia Pine's little brother. And no doubt, the family trouble maker. Cause if Andrew knew his advances towards Maple, they would not be so close... But perhaps that too, is another story for another time. As might be expected, leading the pack of them all, was none other than Mr. Wellington, himself. Naturally, Andrew in tow...

"You must come foe a beatin boy!" Mr. Wellington ranted!

"I didn't come here to fight!" Tator said standing his ground.

"Well you are not welcome on this here property!" Mr. Wellington boldly and bitterly declared.

"I don't wont any trouble suh!"

"Well you got trouble the moment you stepped on this here property!" Mr. Wellington bickered!

"Trust me, I don't wont to be here as much as you don't wont me here!"

"Well we agree on some em." He hissed! "I suggest you leave!"

"Can't do they suh. Not yet!"

"I kin tell ya whut you can do. Better yet whut, I and these boys here are gone do."

Tator got of his bike and stood as strong as lion in the jungle against the hoard of men that stood in a fighting stance as if they were prepared to brawl. Built like a brawny man, I can tell you right now, Tator wasn't gonna go down easily...

Standing strong Tator, speaking assertively, replied... "Like I said. I didn't come here ta fight!"

"Well that's too bad... Cause when we are through with you__"

"Naw hold on suh!" Mo interrupted. "Why don't we hear whut he hasta say?"

"There ain't nothin worth hearin whut he supposedly hasta say..."

"But suh... if he is here foe trouble, why not jest contain him and call out the sheriff?"

"Mo, son... befoe you inform my staff, to call the sheriff and escort him off our property, do us a favor and take his bike."

"Suh... naw you know that won't be necessary." Mo said trying to be neutral and not escalate things.

There was no doubt, that Mr. Wellington and the boys were ready to attack and take care of Tator... And Tator was ready to fight. If need be. But he didn't want to.

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