P.U. Cologne

38 3 0

In the dawning of a new day, it was just another day for Mrs. Woods awaiting for her turn to take the stand. But before she did, there was one more witness that needed to take the stand...

And before all of that, and before the proceedings Mama Woods received a visitor... or two and half...

"Mumma?" A soft voice whispered behind Mama Woods.

"Beth Anne! Annelle!" Mama Woods gasped surprised. "Whatta y'all__"

"Oh we couldn't stay away Mumma!" A very pregnant Annelle whispered as she clasped tightly onto her Mama in a tight embrace.

"This is as much part of our fight as it is yo's." Beth Anne said reaching over Annelle for her turn to embrace her mama. "Sides, grandmama said you needed as much support as possible and well here we are."

"Whut about the baby?" Mama Woods voiced concerned.

"Don'tchu worry bout me none Mumma."Annelle answered. "The baby's not due for anotha two weeks. I'll be jest fine. This baby ain't goin nowhere." She said rubbin her round belly.

Mrs. Woods did her best to hold back her tears as her daughters went to go back to find an empty seat. But not before scowling and licking their tongues towards a very perturbed Mrs. Crowder. Course she returned the sentiment. Licking out her tongue that is and grumbling all the while underneath her breath.

Just then the judge Bloomfurd entered the room.

All proceeded as normal. But before one word could be spoken to continue with the trial, Judge Bloomfurd, had some questions of his own...

"Mrs. Crowduh..." Judge Bloomfurd spoke.

"Yea yo honor?"

"Would you please rise." He said smiling peculiarly. "Come hither." He said signaling her to come towards the bench.

Mrs. Crowder slinkied out of her chair and oozed forward.

"That's faaa enough!" He said before she could reach the bench.

"Mrs. Crowder?"

"Yo honor?"

"Umm Mrs. Crowder," he said leaning over his bench... "How do I put this nicely? Well, I kin see or should I say smell, you no longa have the aroma of yo mothball cologne."

"Why no yo honor." She replied with a straight prunish face.

"Uh huh." He said taken out his handkerchief and fanning the air. "Why woman, I didn't thank you could repulse me with such uh stank as them mothballs. But I stand corrected." He grumbled annoyed. "How is it possible that yo oda is naw that of a pure plumb funkdified dead skunk?!? Landsakes alive, woman! Sheesh!" He hissed!

"It ain't my fault yo honor!" She growled!

"Neva is!" He said signaling Sandford to open all the windows and doors!

"Well it ain't!" She bitterly snarled! "Someone left in a skunk in box in my shower!" She cried vexed.

"Naw who on earth would do that?" He asked.

"I have my guessins!" She said gritting her teeth and looking towards Maple.

Just then, Maple looked in the direction of her mischievous sisters playing coy. Particularly a hard smizing pregnant Annelle.

"I don't know how anyone could get on yo property, let alone yo house, with all the wirin you have on it." The judge rolled his eyes.

"Well they did!" Mrs. Crowder growled.

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