The Pull Away

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Maple didn't sleep that night... She prayed to the Lord for peace and for sanity. She felt her hands were tied. And all she could think about was her Mama and Tator...

In the morning, the day before Mama Woods was to go on trial, Maple paid her Mama a visit. But not before finding Tator.

On a busy road, just blocks away from the jail, Maple saw Tator across the street... She wanted to do nothing more, but to run into his arms. But Mrs. Crowders words stabbed at her heart like sword of detest. She felt, she had no choice. Maple did her best to put Tator at arms length as She called out to him...

"Maple!" Tator shouted! He embraced her as tight as he could. "I'm sorry I have been gone so long." He said grabbing her face. "I went to care for my gran. She has been deathly ill. I don't know whut happened, she was fine one minute in the best health, the next..." he expressed melancholy. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know whut was happenin." He mournfully conveyed. "But naw that I'm back. I'm gone fix it all. And I'm gonna make sure my Nana releases yo Mumma from this lunacy! I warned her to stay away from you... I promise, she will pay."

"No Tator." Maple uttered pulling away from him. "I don't need yo help. I don't want it."

"Whut do you mean?"

"I mean whut I said. You said you would talk to her. And look at whut happened!"

"I didn't mean for this to happen. But I'm back naw. I would have never left if I knew, she was goin to after yo mumma."

"How could you not know, Tator? She has been after my family even before we were ever born. She has this delusion we made her life, nothing but sheer misery! She even tried to use you! In more ways than one that you will ever know."

"And whut does that mean?"

"Nuthin..." Maple said starting to walk away. But Tator stopped her in her tracks.

"I'm sorry! Maybe she did use me at one point. And I let her. But can you see, I'm different naw."

"Are you?"

"Yes! You know that Maple! Baby, I'm not the guy you first met. I've changed. And I thought, maybe just maybe, my Nana did too."

"Ha! Yes well... you were wrong." Maple voiced. "She never changed. My grandmama was right." She bitterly voiced. "And where were you when I needed you most?"

"I told, you, I had left town, because I jest needed to take care of my Gran and some other thangs."

"Whut thangs?"

"Maple, please.."

"Whut thangs Tator?" Maple vexed!

"Somethin that is not yo concern!" He blurted. Maple, look... I'm so sorry, for all of this. Believe me, I am. More than you kin fathom. It is my worst fear and heartache. Why can't you see, I am in anguish at her behavior? You would think, she has lost her mind. I knew she didn't care for you. But I didn't thank, honestly she would even stoop so low. Not with all that we have been through."

Maple laughed.

"You didn't thank she would stoop so low, Tator? Really?" She cried. "You don't even know your own grandmother."

"I do, Maple. And contrary to whut you see, deep down inside, she is a good woman but__"

"Haha! Oh stop! I have really heard it all..."

"I know, it looks like she has just lost her way, but__"

"Please..." Maple hissed. "Why are you makin excuses for her?"

"I'm not!" Tator fussed. "Whut she done is wrong! But__"

"But nuthin Tator! She has destroyed my family! And for whut?!!" Maple bitterly cried. "I knew she had tried in the past, several times. But I didn't know how capable she was in succeeding till..." Maple stopped talking...

"Till whut?"

"Nuthin." Maple said with a soft whisper. "Tator." She started to cry. "I cannot do this."

Tator tried to hold Maple, but she rejected his arms. In a harsh tone she spoke...

"When my mother is freed. I am leavin here. But not with you."

"Maple... don't do this..."

"I am goin to send word to Andrew, that I will marry him. If he still will have me..."


"We are through Tator!" She abruptly said. "Do not follow me." Maple said abruptly running away in broken tears...

Maple crossed the street during the busiest time of traffic to where Tator could not follow. Only angels on assignment protected her from being roadkill.

She finally found her way to the jail. Wiping her tears, she cleaned herself up as best as she could. When she walked in, her daddy was fast asleep.

"Maple!" Mama Woods said lighting up seeing her daughter.

Maple ran to her mama like she used to when she was a little girl. The sheriff, being courteous, let Maple into the cell for a short visit.

"How are Beth Anne and Annelle? I know they are beside themselves." Mama Woods asked. "But I made them promise not come here and see me. Or in Ponchas at all. Did they defy me?" She laughed.

"No." Maple said shaking her head. "Grandmama said she needed them more. In fact she pretended to be down and out! Like an fragile old woman, she is not!" Maple laughed. "But Grandmama desperately wants to come."

"Don't let her." Mama Woods spoke. "It is bad enough you and Jeffy are here. And my poor, sweet husband... why look at him, Maple, the poor man is losin his gut!" She laughed cried. "Ain't been havin my home cookin. Guess that's a good thang."

"No it ain't Mumma." Maple replied. "He'll turn back into dopey with them big ears without yo home cookin...

Mama Woods and Maple laughed, as Daddy Woods kept snoring away...

"Oh Mumma!" Maple cried.

"Naw you stop that." Mama Woods said wiping Maple's tears. "Naw we both knew this could happen someday."

"But it ain't right Mumma! You're innocent."

"Am I?"

"Yes!" Maple strongly replied. "Oh this is so stupid!" She growled. "How could that woman be so wicked and cruel?"

"Sugar, I can't make excuses for her... but..."

But nuthin Mumma, I found a way for you to get out of here." Maple interrupted.

"Maple, sugar, whut ever you are up to, don't." Mama Woods said shaking her head.

But Maple kept on...

"I've had time to thank. And I thank the brooch should go back to Mrs. Crowder, with that, I kin assure you, she'll drop the charges. And you kin be free. And Mumma I came to anotha conclusion, I was jest thankin last night, I don't know whut I was thankin when I said, I loved Tator. I don't." She said biting her lip almost drawing blood. "In fact, I thank I done come to my senses, and I'm gonna except Andrew's proposal of marriage. So you kin get out of jail and help me start plannin my weddin. And Mrs. Crowder will be out of our lives forever!" Maple said smiling through tears as her voice cracked. "Whut do you thank bout that?"

"I thank... Mrs. Crowder paid you a visit. And I thank, I'm goin to trial tomorrow, and not onlay are you not goin to give that brooch up, Maple Joelle. But you sure as heck ain't gone give up the love of your life. Not today!" Mama Woods said standing strong.

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