She Wore Flowers In Her Hair...

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9:15 am... Thursday September 25th as the sun continued to shine, the ladies made it to the church unscathed from Leslie Anne's wild roller derby drive...

And behind them on a pleasant drive the whole way, Grandma Hastings and the others, pulled up in the baby blue caddy...

As they all got back together and finished ranting up a storm about Leslie Anne's driving, they made sure Maple was back in a calm and relaxed state of mind...

Merrily laughing and carrying their garments, they made their way towards the church front steps. However, the laughter quickly ceased as the the ladies all shrieked in horror when they saw Tator standing on the top steps...

"Cover her up!" One shouted!

Oh there went Maple's nerves once again! Before Maple could even see Tator herself, or even get a word out edgewise, the ladies quickly darted for her and covered her view. You would have thought they were a covert tactical team, the way the all sprinted and speedily formed a circle around Maple, as Mama Woods threw her shawl over Maple's head, as Beth Anne and Annelle rushed her off to the side door, while the others banded together to covertly block Tator's view.

Grandma Hastings was tickled at the sight...

"Jest like watchin a game of football!" She amusingly cracked up alongside Mrs. Mavis.

"Mumma!" Mama Woods hollered as they were escorting Maple in.

"I'm comin!" She hollered back. "Are you comin?" Grandma Hastings said to Mrs. Mavis.

"Oh no shuga, I'm stayin. I wan see how this turns out." She entertainingly smirked.


"Oh hush!" Grandma Hastings shouted! With a side eye glance, she looked at Miss Mavis as she sullenly replied. "I miss all the fun."

Grandma Hastings pouted leaving and catching up to her frantic daughter. You could tell Mrs. Mavis was tickled pink seeing her long time friend rush off sulking all the way...

"Don't worry ladies... we got this..." One yelled their way as they watched Mama Woods and Grandma Hastings head in the side doors.

"Tator!" Haley giddily called out, rushing towards her brother and tightly embracing him.

Returning the embrace, Tator smiled delighted to see his baby sister of no more than seventeen. However, he swiftly shifted her to the side trying to get a glimpse of Maple, as he disappointedly saw her sisters rushing her off like the wind... But it was too late. She was already inside...

As Haley held onto her brother, Tator was left to face the remaining so called tactical team.

"Ladies..." Tator cordially replied...

"Tator, you are not supposed ta be here!" Dorothy Burl fussed.

"I wanna see my bride..."

"Well I hate ta break it to ya huh-nay, you can't see her till twelve." Another spoke.

"I jest wanna talk to her for a second."

"And I wanna large slice of cherry pie, a la mode, doesn't mean I'm gonna get it." Leslie Anne fussed.

"Tator, you know betta." Josephine reprimanded. "The groom is not allowed ta see the bride befoe the weddin."

"Well if you ask me, I think that's a stupid rule." Tator hissed.

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