In The Season Of Change

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Before long, the autumn leaves began to fall on that little ole home in Ponchas Avenue Row...

Things seemed to be booming. The Woods/Hastings seemed happier than ever. Beth Anne and Annelle were enjoying married life and now living near Grandmama Hastings in Everly.

As for Grandmama Hastings, well she blissfully had returned back home to Everly. Course she would still come visit her children every other weekend.
And not with Mr. Hoffman by her side. Mama Woods was in the right mind when she thought Mr. Hoffman simply kissed her Mama, only as a decoy to get Miss Millie Wexler's attention to come out of her spying and ever so shy shell. It worked. After all it was Grandmama Hastings idea.

Jeffy seemed like he finally broke down and settled on a decision. When it came to his love life that is. Now all around would have thought, he would have chosen, Miss Georgia Pine. But it turned out she was not as sweet as she seemed. In fact she seemed more like her food... downright poison. And he nearly would have learned that the hard way, if it wasn't for Cornelia Pumpkin Lee. The one he ended up choosing over all in the end. Perhaps to some she was a plain Jane compared to always perfect looking Georgia Pine. But to Jeffy, she something extraordinary... and he was now beyond smitten...

Mama Woods and Fred, seemed to be more cuddly and lovey dovey with their older daughters out of the house and married. All except one. They after all, had more time to be alone and to do other things. We won't go there. But if you had of seen them, you would have thought they were teenagers again just chasing each other, happy in love...

And then there was Maple. She seemed older, in fact she was nearing her eighteenth year in just a few more months. As far as all could see though, she was now considered a woman of the world. You gotta understand life was different back then, than it is today. So she was an upcoming woman. At least in her eyes.

She was even starting to attend more and more of her mama's high society meetings. Even though she considered them a real bore.

But nothing was more exciting in that little town of Ponchas than the upcoming fall festival. It was a costume ball, as all were to dress up in their favorite costumes. And this time, to her surprise, Maple was formally asked by a fellow graduate of hers, Andrew Wellington the third. Someone she didn't even think ever looked her way. Course she excepted....but not without repercussions...

"Oh Mumma!" Maple fussed the dress is too tight! "And in all the wrong spots!"

"It's not tight enuff." Mama Woods said tryin to squeeze Maple into her dress.

"I hate these boobs!" Maple hissed! "They're too small! I might as well get some apples and prop them on my chest!"

"Oh landsakes Maple, stop being so dramatic!" Mama Woods snickered! "See!" She said now adjusting the dress just right. "It fits! You are Cinderella after all!" She said kissing Maple on the cheek!

"Then how come I feel like the ugly step sister?" She said frustratingly looking in the mirror. "Why'd I haveta wear Beth Anne's hand me downs anyways, Mumma? You know she has cantaloupes for boobs!" Maple griped.

"Why Maple__"

"It's true." Maple fussed! "And you know it too! She got the boobs, I got the butt and the thighs!"

"And I suppose Annelle got it all?"

"You said it. I didn't." Maple murmured still trying to fidget with the dress.

Mama Woods, turned around an antsy Maple away from the mirror.

"God gave me beautiful daughters of all sizes. And this dress fits just fine. I refitted, restitched and adjusted everythang just to fit you. And only you. Like brand new. Sides, since when do you care how you look? That's always been yo sisters, not you. And it's not like it's the first time you ever been asked out by a boy.."

"It's not just any boy Mumma... it's Andrew Wellington! He could have asked any girl..."

"But he asked you..."

"That's whut I'm still tryin to figure out. Why would he eva ask somebody like the likes of me?"

"Becuz you, my sweet sugarplum, you are a smart, strong, talented and an amazingly beautiful, young woman. And he'd be crazy not to ask you out." Mama Woods smiled. "Sides, it is better than you goin with the likes of Malcom Tatorsen."

"Oh Mumma, let's just not go there tonight."

"You're right. Lets not!"

Just then the door knocked. And it was Andrew Wellington, ready to escort Maple to the fall festival ball!

"Oh Mumma, I'm not ready!" A beyond nervous Maple screeched.

"You are." Mama Woods said trying to calm the butterflies in Maple. "You are."

Kissing her daughter, Mama Woods helped her down the stairs, to an undoubtedly nervous as well, Andrew.

"Oh my whut a fashionably cute costume!" Mama Woods said on meeting Andrew. "Isn't that cute Fred?" She said smacking her husband on the arm.

"Mmm hmm..." A stern looking daddy woods replied.

"Oh.." Mama Woods said waving off her grim looking husband. "It's so cute, and so unrevealing, anyone could hide in that costume!" She jested. "Why if I didn't see you take off the mask, young sir and show yo adorable face, I would have neva known it was you!" She delightfully smiled as she still looked at her husband who was deeply staring down Andrew. "Well!" She said breaking the tension between Daddy Woods and a sweaty Andrew, "it's time for you two to be off." She said shoving Maple and Andrew out the door.

Daddy Woods embraced his daughter. Looked like he was almost about to whimper watching his baby leave. Mama Woods had to pull him away from her as she sweetly kissed Maple before letting her go.

"Yo daddy and I will be there a little later. Our costumes are a surprise." She grinned.

"Later." Daddy Woods sternly spoke still staring down Andrew.

Escorting Maple to his car, and helping her get in, Andrew felt like he couldn't get away fast enough as a nervous Maple looked at her Mama and daddy as they drove off...

And it would be a night to remember....

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